[quote=Queen Raidne] Really, English? Do you have to start branching into different grammatical rulesets word definitions? This is like British English insisting that the proper sentence is "IBM are running strong," and American English insisting "IBM running strong." As hilarious as I find it that the United States therefore treats corporations as individuals even while talking about them, the difference is frustrating.Or like our two definitions for "biscuit" and "chips". Or like "pram" vs. "stroller". Enough already. Stop diverging into two separate languages! Please? [/quote] ...See my response to the ad was that I thought it was meant to be "great minds think alike" but somehow terribly butchered, be it intentional or purely accidental. Both cases would be sad. And this one ad just won't leave me alone. It's driving me nuts. On another note, it's really not surprising that British English and American English are slightly different. Same goes for Spanish Spanish and Mexican Spanish. They're different areas of the world that'll develop different slang and pronunciations. *shrugs* I don't see what the big deal is, really. I've learned most of the differences just from watching Doctor Who, I'd say. Never really saw an issue with it.