In one moment, just as the battling took a momentary standstill as Hood was attacked, a deep pulsation emanated from everywhere and nowhere all at once as a man long since forgotten took notice of the battle which currently took place in this realm. With the audible manifestation of this pulsation there came a brief change of scenery as the sky flashed with a dull red light and a group of thick red clouds began to appear; blanketing the horizon in just a few moments. The man was a being above the physical plain and as such chose to simply force his energy upon the realm for the time being, an energy which currently danced through and along the surface of the blood red clouds above. All at once this energy became focused above one of the men the others focused on, the would-be Death God known as Hood, and released a destructive volley of thick red lightning bolts. There was more than just the color which made these bolts special and while the added effect of causing madness would be lost on Hood, the increase in power would be all that was required. Five bolts rocketed down towards the earth in an octagon pattern, each traveling only half the speed of a normal lightning bolt, leaving behind a trail of the thick red energy they were comprised of. There trajectories were misleading, they were setup to imply a type of seal or other form of trickery but just before impact their paths would change, each aiming for the midsection of Hoods body from differing angles. The power they possessed was double that of an ordinary bolt of lightning and upon impact they release an explosive force simliar to a hand grenade, explosions which saturate the air with this strange energy. The time from release to impact would be less than 2 seconds, but impact was not necessary for a follow up technique. (See OOC after reading.)