Clementine looked up at the sound of the curtains in front of her rustling. Originally, she thought it was Dylan but the hand was most certainly male. Not to mention, Dylan would have just walked in. She looked at the hand, confused, until the rest of the body followed. Realizing that she had no clue who the man was, she covered her inner elbow where the needle was stuck. Of course, he could still see the tube and the bag but something about the action made her feel less vulnerable. And she did feel vulnerable. She had had people she didn't know storm in on her peculiar feeding before, mainly male Moroi, and not one of them had been pleasant. However, this man didn't appear to be Moroi... In fact, he didn't even look like a Dhampir... He looked human. She kept her eyes on him as he addressed her, slowly pulling her legs into herself. She watched him from behind her light brown locks, still not really sure how she was supposed to feel about this intrusion. She listened as he explained just what it was he intended to do and made no protest when he asked for her cooperation. Although, she hadn't exactly agreed to cooperate either... Because she just continue to stare at him wordlessy. As it always, her magic took her fear and spread it to those in the room. She couldn't stop it, she didn't know how. The man, Ried, continued on as though nothing were happening. Completely unaffected by her. He was still talking, explaining things, things that made Clementine perk up a little, "No attack classes?" She asked softly. She wasn't sure if she had ever heard better news. After years of being at the bottom of her class and being told that she was destined to be a 'Blood Whore like her mother', it was over. A small smile of relief crossed her lips. She knew her father had been fighting for her to be taken out of those classes. However, it never seemed to get through to anyone that it wasn't that Clementine wasn't in shape, it was that her body physically couldn't handle it. She was weak and had broken bones a few times just due to falling a little wrong. Now, they had finally listened and Clementine was free of it all. She leaned back into the pillows a little, her legs moving slightly away from her body as she relaxed slightly. It would be an understatement to say that that news had lifted some of the weight off her shoulders. That was when she was sudden sense of worry. It twisted in her stomach, making her squirm slightly, as though in pain. She took a deep breath, "Dylan, I'm fine... Stop worrying so much," She said loud enough for her friend to hear before she relaxed. She looked back at Ried and focused on him for a moment. The worrying melted away but nothing took its place. She cocked her head to the side, confused, "Why do... I feel nothing?"