[center][h1][color=#2ECCFA]Ika Musume[/color][/h1][/center] An inkling? Ika Musume had never heard of something like that. Though if she wasn't a robot... But still squid like... Aha! She's still a compatriot! And environmentally friendly ink must mean she was here to stop the pollution of the oceans just like Ika Musume! [color=#2ECCFA]Inkling must be a cousin of squids, De geso! Which means your here to Inkvade and put an end to human pollution, De geso! I've been inking of all sorts of squiddle plans to make the humans fear me so they will bow down to the superior squid, ~De geso! And since your a compatriot I might be able to tell you them, De geso.[/color] Ika Musume excitedly said all this before Cia had a chance to answer Add. It had been a while since she had met another squid, and the last one she met lost his cap and died. It was very emotional and the first casualty in the Inkvasion. But the sacrifice made takeru a loyal subject, and brought all his friends with him. Either way, Ika Musume was clearly excited and eagerly awaited Cia's response.