[@Levythelevy][@KatherinWinter] The hidden youth knew better than to make any noise this time, instead backing away a little more slowly. First there was all that about not belonging...then he changed his mind? Of course, it made more sense when they could see what he did with his arm. It vanished for a second...kind of like what they could do. What they were doing at that moment to avoid being caught, rather. He mentioned counselors? After a moment of thinking, the teen could vaguely remember something like that being said just before the bag was opened. Not that there had been much time to agree or disagree. [i]I don't know them. I don't know anything about any of them. I can't just talk to them like this right now.[/i] Indeed, being outnumbered so quickly with little warning was uncomfortable. Rather than stick around, they turned and ran around to the other side of the bus. If they were lucky, maybe the noise of the crowd there could be distracting enough to keep any noise they made from being noticed. [i]Oh! My rucksack...I left it in the bag! I'll need that back...[/i]