[center][color=BDB76B][h1][i][indent][indent]Casey Harper[/indent][/indent][/i][/h1][/color][/center] [hr][hr] "[color=BDB76B]Ugh...[/color]" Casey trudged through the unforgiving snow. He was probably the last one to arrive there - you can never resist watching a good bear fight when you're all alone in the woods. He didn't get why Amelia had actually agreed to go alone. Though, then again, the boys were [i]pretty[/i] set on watching that soccer match. He tried to distract himself from the cold by thinking of other things, but it didn't really work. All he could think about was Hannah and Beth, and their disappearance. He felt awful about that night. Why did he even agree to do that prank? It was stupid. So what if Hannah had a crush on him, why did he have to let them make a big deal of it? "[color=BDB76B]C'mon, Case, stop being all negative.[/color]" He muttered to himself as he followed the trail of multiple footsteps. He was [i]definitely[/i] the last one to arrive. Sighing, he climbed up the hill as the cabin came into view, with the guys all in front of it. He ran over. "[color=BDB76B]Hey guys! How you doing?[/color]"