Everyone knows about the Justice League if not you have at least heard about them. They are the group of people that protect earth from the villains on it or that come from far away planets. People have also heard about their successful second team known as the young justice that defeated countless villains and have earned the right to fight side by side with the league. Earth seemed peaceful for a while villains went into hiding and the ones that didn't were caught and sent to jail. This continued on for a long time till one dreaded day many foresaw coming way before. Lex Luthor after receiving death threats from anonymous senders decides to leave the country for a while with his two children Alex and Alexia. He was put under Justice League watch for the whole duration of the trip, and it was suppose to keep any assassins out of reach of Luthor little did they know it would actually be the opposite. A week after Lurthor and his children arrived to a private island he bought a while back. Luther was confronted by Justice League member Red Arrow who pulled out a dagget and stabbed Luthor in his heart. Luthor fell to the ground and Batman brusted out of the shadows and captured Red Arrow. While bleeding out Luthor took out a envelope from his pocket and handed it to Batman. The envelope was made out to his children Alex and Alexia. Red Arrow was trialed and proven to have memory of killing Luthor which must mean he was under the control of someone else. But none the less it was his body that killed Luthor so he was sentenced life in prison. After that crime returned at full force with many villains coming out of hiding. The Justice League was having trouble trying to keep it under control. Fact us the original members were getting old, and they new the younger members couldn't handle it all on their own. So after a unanimous vote Batman, Black Canary, and Flash were put in charge of finding new recruits for the next Young Justice team. This brings us to present day it is the year 2025 and on this day a new young justice has been formed, and hopefully they help even the odds in this raging battle of good vs evil. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So basically without getting into a lot of detail (since I'm using a phone) who would like to join a roleplay like this?