Alo listened to the 'rules' half-heartedly, he was astounded that this 'Abs' didn't know about football. It was only [i][b]the[/b]worlds greatest sport[/i] for Pete's sake. He rubbed his chin as, Abs spoke, before reaching under his bed and pulling out the large sports bag just as Abs finished speaking. "Nah, go ahead and set it up, mate" He said, rummaging around in his bag for something. Eventually he found it, a half deflated football laying near the bottom of the bag. Alo excitedly pulled it out and began blowing it up until it reached it's full spherical form. It wasn't a proper football, just one of those rinky-dink inflatable ones that you get from pound shops. But nevertheless, it would have to do. "Footie" He said tossing the ball in the air and catching it again. "I seriously can't believe you've never heard of it, c'mon you must have heard of..." He hesitated "[i]Soccer[/i] in the past right?" He shuddered saying the accursed word.