[color=1a7b30][h1] [i]Micah Stubbe Of Azaroth[/i] [/h1][/color] He ate slowly, quietly enjoying the pleasant meal, while he preferred something simpler, he could acknowledge the quality and abundance of flavor nonetheless. Using his knife, he slowly cut into the lamb leg, carving out a small piece and bringing it to his mouth, chewing slowly, before looking up quickly, almost directly at Lilith's mother. He swore he head someone say his name. It had been said very quietly, but he could pick up on it nonetheless. His eyes shifted to Lilith, whom he recognized almost immediately, and in a sudden surge of embarrassment he lowered his head, returning to his meal quietly. Several tens of minutes later, he found himself wandering the grounds of the castle casually, a lit pipe in his mouth as he smoked slowly, a flavor and tradition passed on by his father, and his father before him. Blowing it out slowly, he leaned against a beautifully intricate garden Railing, and looked on at the attractive flowers within it.