[@Kael Taiyou][@Cuccoruler][@Gummi Bunnies][@Lmpkio][@Eviledd1984] Kirby Kirby was hit by the lightning, or atleast that was what it seemed to be. Until when the dust cleared Kirby suddenly had a face full of electricity. And then he swallowed it and was covered in light. A moment later he came out as [url=http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kirby/images/c/cd/Spark.png/revision/latest?cb=20110911092619&path-prefix=en]Lightning Kirby[/url]. Though he also noticed the others coming in. He recognized one of them as Bowser but didn't have a clue towards the others. "Hi!" Kirby said to Bowser doing is normal hello stance. After this Kirby started to shuffle his feet. He could tell now that this fight was a losing one, they were out numbered and leaving may be a good option. As Kirby continued to shuffle his feet he gained more power then he pointed at the ground kicking up the dust from the ground. "Uwa!" Kirby yelled, Kindle wasn't there to translate at the moment as it was too dangerous, but in short it meant that they needed to run. [u] [/u] [@Absolis][@Gummi Bunnies] Cia Cia looked at the squid for a moment confused. Humans were real here? Where she came from Humans were just a myth, no one had seen a human in centuries. "You mean the Human's haven't been wiped out by the flood?" Cia asked. "Well I guess that would explain the tall one." Cia added looking over at Add. "But I am looking for places that would be great as turf war stage... so why not!" Cia added with a smile. "You have my ink!" Cia said spinning her gun around on her finger. The Ink she had come in on had already started to disappear.