[hider=Imperial captain Keer Tucker ] [b]Name[/b]:Captain Keer Tucker [b]Age[/b]: 37 [b]Species[/b]: Human [b]Appearance[/b]: [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/0/06/Imperial_Commander.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20091230143130[/img] About 6'4, extremely well muscled and dense [b]Abilities/Skills[/b]: -[b]Lead from the Front[/b]: Despite now being a captain, Tucker will often interact directly with lower troops and even participate in front line combat alongside his men, doing this for so long has given him a knack for boosting the morale if his men -[b]Ruthless attitude[/b]: Captain Tucker is know for his ruthlessness and cruelty when commanding his men, often making grossly examples of those he considers a danger to the Empire -[b]Courage through fear[/b]: Tucker believes his men and civilians should fear him and the Empire as much as they respect them, and often goes out of his way to seed both throughout his assignments [b]Equipment[/b]: -[b]Standard issue Imperial forearm data pad[/b]: Cannot carry a regular one in combat, though prefers to use a larger one outside of combat -[b]ELG-3A blaster pistol (diplomats pistol)[/b]: Tucker carries this non-standard naboo pistol out of a liking of its style and it's superior firepower to the standard holdout pistol (always on his person) [b]Personality/Motivation[/b]: Keer Tucker is no stranger to war, he grew up during the clone wars and served alongside the Republic, and now the Empire. He has learned one thing in all that time that encompasses who he is, he learned that he loves war. Tucker enjoys the power war can give him, as well as the authority that comes with being a military man. He enjoys lord img what he has over underlings and civilians alike, using his position to do what he wants without meeting any consequences, and unfortunately for those beneath him Keer Tucker is not a benevolent man. He enjoys violence on both a larger and smaller scale, and is more than happy to carry out morally questionable orders purely for the thrill he gets from causing others suffering. A cruelly clever man, Keer hides his extreme sadistic tendencies behind a veneer of martial pride and honor he has even fooled himself into believing. To this end his goal is simple, to rise through the ranks of the Empire until he has attained the title of Grand Moff. He is fiercely ambitiousto this end, though rarely betrays those who he considers allies, as he learned long ago burning bridges is almost never a good idea. His ideas of strategy are generally underhanded, improvised and have been known to occasionally break Imperial protocol, but their success rate is undeniable and his creative small unit tactics are what have elavated Keer to where he is today. [b]Biography[/b]: Born on Naboo to a more middle class family, Keer grew incredibly fast, he was already six feet tall and weighed 200 lbs by the time he was 16. Always a brawler, he got into trouble with his parents and others fir the scraps he was almost always involved in, until the clone wars started. After that, the boy became obsessed with the war and the Republic military. He started training hard, and enrolled in a military boarding school voluntarily. Scoring high in both hand to hand, blasters, and small units tactics he was recommended to officers school by his teachers, and scored relatively well on most subjects, warranting him a position as a lower officer when he was 27. During the closing stages of the clone wars, Keer led several very successful raids on separatist held outposts on several different worlds, though many above him questioned his rather extreme methods. At the fall of the Republic his promoted several times in quick succesion, partially due to an incident in which his unit was responsiblefor the death of a surviving jedi. His career has now slowed down somewhat, though his very recent re-assignment to Boonta may be his chance to put hid ambitions back on track, especially since his arrival isn't to long before that of an Imperial agent, who he hoped to curry favor with in order to again start rising through the ranks. [b]Secrets[/b]: None (as of now) [b]Relations: Colonel Naomi Vale[/b]: His most immediate superior, Keer considers Vale a capable Colonel, though he believes she is to soft. He similarly believes she should find a more direct or underhanded way of dealing with the troublesome governor of Boonta, believing her attempts to do so through official channels will never work. He has also let her know that he is willing to do most anything under her orders, no matter how risky of questionable (always a good idea to make ones self available to your commanders, he believes) [/hider]