[b][@ZB1996][/b] [color=a187be][b]"Yes, we shall meet in a few minutes......" Lady Violetta spoke then thought to herself *little does she know about the planet itself. I do not have the authority to tell Elizabeth or Ayaka nor Mystique more than what I have already told them. They will soon find out what kind of world is out there soon enough.*[/b][/color] [b][color=a2d39c]"Thanks for the info, Lady Violetta. Perhaps we can talk more about the planet one day." Mystique spoke as she gathered her things and her pets before heading to her room. Mystique put her pets away the first thing when she got back to her room. She changed into sweatpants and t-shirt for Physical Education. She walked to the Floating Stairway and spoke "To the exercise Floor, please." She whisked upwards to find herself in a lobby with comfy sofas.She sat down on one to wait. [/color][/b] [URL=http://s1088.photobucket.com/user/TheCreator7/media/0-A%20Permanent%20Records%20Folders%20for%20Caldwells/Permanent%20Maps/Excercise%20Floor_zps7vwjkcrh.png.html][IMG]http://i1088.photobucket.com/albums/i325/TheCreator7/0-A%20Permanent%20Records%20Folders%20for%20Caldwells/Permanent%20Maps/Excercise%20Floor_zps7vwjkcrh.png[/IMG][/URL]