I am distinctly interested. I'll throw together a character application. EDIT: Here's my pilot (sans picture - will get one of those). Mech's not quite done yet. [hider= Personal] Name: Ravelon, Alexander Age: 21 Gender: Male Nationality: Coalition Callsign/Codename: "Berserker" Kills: 5 Psychological Analysis: An intensely moral person with a penchant for philosophy, Alex's personality is largely consumed with his efforts to be what he calls 'a good person'. He tries to be infallibly pleasant to absolutely everyone he meets, tending more towards appeasement when it comes to interpersonal conflict - as a result, he's fairly bad at standing up for himself. He's deeply extroverted and more than a little bit spacy; his attention tends to flit from subject to subject without really settling. That's all when he's off duty, of course - in a fight, adrenaline causes him to act with extreme enthusiasm for violence and utter disregard for his own safety. Employment Record: Born a citizen of a highly industrial Coalition world, Alex discovered his love of family and community at a young age. Though he lived with his two younger sisters and his parents in conditions of financial struggle, the support of their neighbors was enough to keep them from going over the brink into poverty, just as they supported their neighbors. Though both his sisters showed a great knack for education, Alex struggled; it quickly became apparent that he was far too flighty for academia, barely being able to pay attention long enough to complete the simplest of arithmetic. At the age of fifteen, he left school and began working in one of his planet's many weapons factories to support his family. Immediately, he began to show great talent in the operating of industrial machinery, and by the age of seventeen (with the recommendation of some family friends) he became the youngest in the factory's history to be allowed to pilot an industrial MAS, used for heavy lifting, loading and unloading the instruments of war that the factory produced. He worked in this way for two years, becoming comfortable with the machine he was granted control of. Then, disaster struck - a band of interstellar pirates, lusting after the military-grade weapons the factory produced, attempted to rob Alex's workplace and be gone before law enforcement could arrive: a get-in, get-out, get-rich scheme. Their plan worked perfectly... except for the part where they caught tied down fighting a kid in a civilian suit who'd grabbed a finished plasma sword off the assembly line. That likely caught them by surprise, and they were promptly apprehended at the scene of the crime. After the battle, Alex drifted away from his community, despite their gratitude. He promptly quit his job at the factory and signed on with the first mercenary company that stopped at his planet: the Steel Hunters. He's been one of them ever since - working on his suit, contemplating his morals, and fighting like a mad dog. Equipment: Carries a .22 caliber revolver and a book of his favorite poems. [/hider]