[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi5mMjAyNzAuVTJGeVlXZ2dVbWwyWlhKaC4xAA,,/my-font-addiction.regular.png[/img] [color=#157DEC]"I'll love you forever, even after you're dead"[/color][/center] [color=#157DEC] Sarah couldn't help but smile as Hunter bit into the cheese like a hungry mouse. She displayed a similar behavior when Mother Nature paid her the monthly visit, when no sharp cheddar cheese was safe. Along with garlic bread and triple chocolate cake....and sour skittles...and "meat-lover's" pizza...Taking a sip of her Smirnoff she watched him as he offered the gun holster, for which was was grateful for. She took it while speaking a soft reply. [b]"Thank you."[/b] Standing, she knelt beside him and attempted to help him gather the various objects that had fallen as he offered the holster. Their hands brushed together as they reached for the same object. It gave her a weird, and intensely awkward feeling because it was the first human contact she had received in awhile. Although he wasn't her husband, she was glad for his company and relished the fact that she was able to help him. Her light blue eyes connected with his as she gazed at him in slight wonder of what his story was and how he had survived. [b]"Sorry..."[/b] She rose from the knelt position and took her seat back at the bar. [hider] [@Remipa Awesome] OCC: I'll be inactive this weekend. I'll probably be able to get another reply tomorrow evening or Friday, but after that, if Scout or Desmond join you, feel free to drag my character along so I don't get left behind. I know we need to start moving towards the safeplace so don't let my busy Halloween weekend hold you back. :) I look forward to more character development with our characters and anyone else for that matter. Also, I apologize for the short response but I wanted to get something to you.[/hider] [/color]