[img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/4acc/f/2013/084/6/4/647ee6089f20ad6cd73340985bd73d48-d5z7jiu.png[/img] Name : Venus, vertim, Vesrumia Typing : Light, :Light and fire and Light and cosmic Entry - The pokemon of stars themselves, said to appear every 5,670 years to earth in the form of a small baby pokemon, innocent enough till fully grown its unknown what it can do but if a trainer is in trouble. you never want to be the one fighting this pokemon. Stats First stage HP - 30 Attack - 40 Defense - 35 Speical attack 60 Speical defense 50 speed - 30 Second stage HP - 90 Attack 100 defense - 100 Speical attack 90 Speical defense 120 speed 100 Last stage HP 200 Attack 150 Defense 180 Speical attack 160 Speical defense 160 Speed 250