[u][b]-Republic Outpost 94-0045, Solus 4-[/b][/u] [i]"Log 457: It's the second week on Solus 4, and we've already had too many run ins with those tinheads. Casualties are beginning to rise, yet we have a fortified Location just south of the main cities. We are preparing to initiate a three pronged attack to retake it, hopefully that will be enough to..."[/i] [i][b]I am stopped in mid log by an explosion occurring just outside in the courtyard. I rush out to see what has happened, and one of our Walkers has gone down, taking out a few troops with it. Fire crew and medics are rushing out. My Commander, CC-7501 who everyone calls Bronze, rushes over to me.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]Commander Bronze:[/b][/color] "Sir, They've Begun Long Range Bombardments from the North Ridge, Targeting Our Heavy Vehicles." [b]"Have Smaller Vehicles Get Up There and Take Them Out, We Can't Afford to Lose any More Walkers!"[/b] [color=aba000][b]Commander Bronze:[/b][/color] "Sir yes Sir! Falcon Squad, Mount Your AT-RT's and Take Those Clankers Down!" [i][b]I Walk Back Inside the Command Room to Continue the Log. I Generally Leave Bronze in Charge When These Things Happen, He's a Very Capable Commander.[/b][/i] [i]"Now Where Was I... Oh Yes. Hopefully that will be enough to Break the CIS Defenses and Retake the First City, Forcing them to Run from City to City Until they are Cornered. They Redid Much of My Work Here When they Retook Solus, but Now I'm Back and I'm Gonna Take it Back for Good. -[color=aba000]Jedi Knight Kelen Rolin[/color] -[color=aba000]286th Assault Legion[/color]"[/i] [i][b]I Save the Log and head back outside. Falcon Squad is Easily Taking Care of the Droids on the Ridge, the Loss of that One Walker Could Hurt Us a Bit, But Not Much.[/b][/i] [b]"Bronze, Gather All Troopers to the Main Courtyard for Briefing. We Need to Take That City Before They Decide to Bring More Tanks Next Time."[/b] [color=aba000][b]Commander Bronze:[/b][/color] "Right Away Sir!" [i][b]After Bronze Gathered Up all the Troops, I Addressed Them All About our Battle Strategy.[/b][/i] [b]"This will be a Three Part Operation. Myself and Bronze will Engage them With the Bulk of our Forces At the Front Gates. Sergeant Lucky, You Will Take a Detachment to the East Gate. And Onyx Squad, Your Mission Will be to Infiltrate the City Undetected and Deactivate their Auto Turret Grid Protecting the Gates. You Have Your Assignments, So Let's Move Out!"[/b]