[H1][center][color=007236][b]Hunter Monroe[/b][/color][/center][/h1] When their hands touched they both reacted, they both backed away a bit. Hunter's guessing Sarah did because of the guy she use to live with, but Hunter did it out of fear. He was scared shit less of people. He felt more comfortable around Sarah, but he was still scared of her in a way. All he could think when he came close to people now was the refugee camp, and all the violence that took place. The violence done by the crowds, the violence done by the guard, the violence done by him. It all scared him. Sarah stood up and apologized to him, then went back to her seat at the bar. Hunter didn't know what to do or say. So he tried to think of something good to say that would... change the mood a little at least. "[color=007236]Um... Sarah? There's... there's no need to be sorry. If anything I should be apologizing, I came into your area, and drew unwanted attention.[/color]" Hunter stood up and sighed. "[color=007236]Look, I realize I ain't the best of people, and I realize that it's more or less by pure luck that I made it this far. But you showed me something today, you showed me that despite EVERYTHING that has gone on, people still have good in them.[/color]" He smiled. "[color=007236]Thank you.[/color]" Hunter went over to sit at the bar with Sarah. "[color=007236]What's kinda funny, I wouldn't even be here right now if it wasn't for the fact that my damn radio finally kick started. It was only static for a while, but I heard rumors of a safe area not too far from here. That's why I was in the neighborhood.[/color]" Hunter hesitated for a moment. "[color=007236]Though... I haven't heard anything in a while, that spark of life the damn thing showed went just as fast as it came. I still can't seem to figure out why it's not working, but I did catch where the area was if you are interested in going?[/color]" Hunter liked Sarah, she was arguably more likable then most people he knew before things went bad. He did want to help her in any way he could, he had seen the outside world, and he knew as soon as the wrong people found out about her place, they would come and take everything from her. Hunter set up a basic map using random objects sitting around on the bar. "[color=007236]Place called Wilmington, shouldn't be too far. If you wanted to come, the company would be nice. I get it if you don't though. And if you do want to stay I wont stop you. I'd even let the place know you were here. Hell, I'd come once I knew the place was real. You don't... you don't have to answer now.[/color]" Hunter stood up. "[color=007236]With your permission would you mind if I spent the night? It's much safer in here then it is anywhere else in walking distance I know of.[/color]" He was trying to think of something to say, something memorable. But he didn't have anything, he just... stood their... unknowing what to do.