[hider=Appearance][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zY9i9LJ.jpg[/img][/center][/hider] Name: Samuel Rodriguez, Jetstream Sam Age: Unknown, looks about 25-26 Species: Human Gender: Male Personality: Sam looks to be very carefree, devil may cry attitude swordsman, taunting his opponents midfight, revelling in battle against worthy opponents. He has his own values that he holds as important to him however, and tries his best to seek it, and what he thinks is right. Bio: Once a man seeking revenge, he fought against what he perceives as evils in the world, until convinced to join in an organization which promises to end such evils after his right arm was cut off. While he doesn't know how it will turn out, he moves constantly forwards, believing in his cause until he met a worthy opponent. Abilities: He is a master of the Brazilian "Rodrigues New Shadow School" of sword arts, fairly skilled in hand to hand combat, as well as being very perceptive and observant when he needs to. He has an exoskeleton suit, as well as a cybernetic arm to replace his right arm. His usual weapon is a High Frequency Murasama blade in a special sheath. Universe of Origin: Metal Gear