[@True Creator] The daemon was intimidating, without a doubt. A voice like thunder, a body like some nightmare of revelations, and a feeling of power that could shape and warp the world itself. A lesser man would have certainly been afraid of this prince of hell, and the legions he most certainly commanded. Isaac however, was not such a man. He was reaffirmed by his faith in Kane, in the power of Tiberium, and now he stood confident before the horror, a mere man of faith. "I am Isaac Helms, Grand Confessor of the Brotherhood of Nod, leader of the Black Hand, and the successor of Kane! I am the herald of the Prophet, and of a new and glorious age for all of mankind, for only I possess His word. It is the gospel of the great green crystal! The birthright to the downtrodden and the hopeless, the enlightened and the merciful! Know me you horror, as a child of Kane, and the first claimant to the Land of Nod!"