Accepted Characters [hider=Akria] [b][i]Name~[/i][/b] Akira Hashimoto [i][b]Age~[/b][/i] 15 [b][i]Appearance~[/i][/b] [img][/img] Being tall and lanky he doesn't pose much of a threat making him the target of some bullying. [b][i]Personality type~[/i][/b] Nerd [i][b]More about their personality~[/b][/i] Akia is into his grades 100% Being in the club is another one of his activities for college wanting to get into some of the top schools anywhere. He is fluent in English, Chinese, and Danish. He has also taken over managing the club's money and basically running the club like a democracy. [b][i]Interests/Likes~[/i][/b] His interests involve gaming and reading [i][b]Dislikes~[/b][/i] He dislikes being picked on which outside of the club happens a lot. [b][i]Partner Host?~[/i][/b] (Pending) Looking for someone a bit protective [b][i]Other~[/i][/b] He is basically blind without his glasses[/hider] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Taavi] [b][i]Name~[/i][/b] Taavi Kito [i][b]Age~[/b][/i] 19 [b][i]Appearance~[/i][/b] [img][/img] Being a tall buff man Taavi is sometimes called a big bear since he enjoys hugs and other things. [b][i]Personality type~[/i][/b] Outdoors Hunk [i][b]More about their personality~[/b][/i] Taavi is a bit of a showoff from taking off his shirt to running track in small shorts he breaks many of the dress code rules. He is in FFJ and loves to farm his family owning one of the bigger industries. [b][i]Interests/Likes~[/i][/b] Farming and movies [i][b]Dislikes~[/b][/i] religion and jokes he doesn't understand, he's a bit stupid and doesn't get them sometimes. [b][i]Partner Host?~[/i][/b] nope [b][i]Other~[/i][/b] nope[/hider] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [hider=Emiko] [b][i]Name~[/i][/b] Emiko Hashimoto [i][b]Age~[/b][/i] 17 [b][i]Gender~[/i][/b] Female [b][i]Appearance~[/i][/b] [img][/img] Emiko is a tiny young woman who takes pride in her appearance. [i][b]Personality~[/b][/i] Emiko is a shy girl coming into the host club because of her brother one day she picked the twins as her favorite hosts and stuck around mostly just watching quietly just keeping attention away from herself. [b][i]Interests/Likes~[/i][/b]Books, her and her brother talk about different ones. She loves to draw anything and everything. [i][b]Dislikes~[/b][/i] parties, crowded places, dances. [b][i]Other~[/i][/b] She loves kittens.[/hider]