[center][h3][b]~[color=92278f]Diabolic Esper[/color] and [color=ed1c24]Lord Knight[/color]~[/b][/h3] Again, the Esper was going to retaliate back with an attack of his own, but it looks like Ika beat him to it. The Lord Knight appeared to be shocked when he was suddenly wrapped into place by the tentacles, and then temporarily blinded by the ink. [color=ed1c24]"H-Hey! What the hell?!"[/color] Elsword tried to wiggle his way out, but doesn't look like he'll be getting out of that easily. [color=92278f]"... that was easy,"[/color] Add said as he glanced over at Ika. Looks like he did pick out a good ally after all... [color=92278f]"As for introductions that you were waiting for, Cia, just call me Add... and she's Ika..."[/color] [@Absolis][@Cuccoruler][/center]