[center][img]http://listverse.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/drmengele1.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Captain Oskar Stanzl [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Species:[/b] Human [b]Appearance:[/b] If you feel this is too offensive, I'll at least try to explain myself. Basically it's because Star Wars is modeled off of them and it's an instant idea of his appearance. [b]Abilities/Skills:[/b] Commander training Blaster training - highly skilled Expert in tactical urban environ engagements - He knows how to kill in the 3d space on a planet. [b]Equipment:[/b] Stormtrooper armor Updated commander HUD and tacom E-11 Blaster rifle [b]Personality/Motivation/Biography:[/b] Oskar was raised on Alsakan to a rich faily and has been a part of the High Human culture movement since birth. Since young he has been taught by his parents that the true place for other species was beneath humanity and that the Republic with its filthy multispecism was destroying humanity. When the Clone Wars came he'd been only 25 and had just begun working at his father's shipyard. He quit and volunteered for the army as an officer. While the Republic was decadent and a destructive force the CIS was openly alien dominated, something he would not stand for. His graduation as an officer came a year before the Clone Wars ended and he was assigned to Coruscant. When Grievous struck he played a pivotal role in the suppression of various incursions down below in the city, here he earnt his reputation as a master of tactical urban combat and proved himself in the harsh arena of war. When the war ended and the Empire rose from its ashes Oskar was glad, a human such as Palpatine would make sure things were done right. To him the Empire is the savior of humanity, the final judgement of the lesser races and the putting down of them into their rightful places. Oskar is logical, hardbitten and in the interests of humanity and the Empire anything goes. Relations: No one else but the Colonel... because she's my commanding officer. They don't get along since part of High Human Culture is that women are inferior, and while he respects her work ethic, they will never get along.