[h1][center][color=7ea7d8]Nasao Saitou[/color] [color=bc8dbf]&[/color] [color=0072bc]Naoko Saitou[/color][/center][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a1/58/3f/a1583fb2a8eb48c3adfc1fde0d30bb69.jpg[/img] [i][color=a187be]"[/color][color=7ea7d8]I may seem detached and cold, however if you hurt him, or worse, make him [b]cry[/b] I'll make you regret the day you were born.[/color][color=a187be]"[/color][/i] [i][color=662d91]"[/color][color=0072bc]I may seem like an uncontrollable flirt, don't try to outsmart me in anything, I'll beat you in seconds. My brother means everything to me, he's all I have left, so mess with him and see what happens.[/color][color=662d91]"[/color][/i] [color=8882be]Nasao and Naoko are identical in every way, they both stand at 5'10" and weigh 120 pounds. Telling them apart is vertically impossible, through a sure way is that Nasao rarely talks in public while Naoko happily speaks with barely a breath of air between words. For them, each other is all that's left, after a rather huge -and bad- argument with their parenta three years ago, both twins have moved out of their family home and now have their own apartment. When not in school, both can be found wearing clothes their aunt insisted on buying them when they moved out, they can also be found more often then not, working at their job. Books are something both of them like, they worl at a rather busy bookstore and love confusing their customers by switching places every now and then. Both loathe the monthly dinners their parents force them to attend, their aunt usually invites herself along for moral support. After those dinners, even Naoko is quite and tense for a day or two.[/color] [hr] [center][b][i]Name~[/i][/b] Nasao Saitou & Naoko Saitou [b][i]Age~[/i][/b] 17 [b][i]Personality type~[/i][/b] Quiet~Flirtatious [i][b]More about their personality~[/b][/i] Nasao is normally quiet, he loves read. His brother is his world and while he projects an aura of someone who doesn't care, he bends over backwards to make sure his younger brother is happy. Naoko is smart and loves to work with puzzles that would normally confuse others -minus his older brother- and loves math. He's energetic and sometimes needs a stern speech from Nasao to help him get back on track. [b][i]Interests/Likes~[/i][/b] ☆Reading ☆Cats ☆Rainy days [s][/s] ♧Reading ♧Rainy weather ♧Cats [i][b]Dislikes~[/b][/i] ◇Heat ◇His brother is unhappy ◇Monthly dinner with their parents [s][/s] ♧Staying still too long ♧Monthly dinners with their parents ♧Waking up early [b][i]Partner Host?~[/i][/b] His twin brother [b][i]Other~[/i][/b] Both brothers have taken up the Hitachiin act and entertain their guests with stories, jokes and flirtatious displays. They can also be found withere a familiar shadow following them in the form of their cats, Sora and Hana. [hider=Sora and Hana] [img]http://i1207.photobucket.com/albums/bb480/Yumekichi11/Picture11/148e261b.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center]