[center][h2][i]Aegis of Tython[/i]-Enroute to Sarrish[/h2][/center] [center][b]Jason Je'and[/b][/center] [center][@Shiny Keldeo[/center] Jason nods to Obi-wan. [color=DarkRed]"And I you, Master Kenobi."[/color] The transmission ends and Hammer moves to get the pilots into their fighters while Jason heads to the hangar bay. The ship's captain stops him on his way off the bridge. "Will you be joining the pilots?" Jason shakes his head and points to the map. [color=DarkRed]"Not directly. I intend to join the bombing runs on our target capitol ships this time."[/color] The captain nods and Jason leaves, once more heading for the hangar.