just kidding~ i'm not crying out for help! i'm crying out for company and someone to do a small rp with. your gender doesn't matter, nor does the gender of your character. i'm not going to outright define character relationships before we jump into anything...bc that doesn't strike me as right! the way this kinda thing works, for me, is that romance is important; yes, but it can't be something our characters are going to be DESTINED for. i prefer to let things develop...and given my tendency to juggle a few characters at a time (much easier when it's 1x1, honestly) i'm sure there'll be feeling somewhere in there. sorry for the rant, but i've noticed a huge trend of that kind of thing in personal rps. so i thought i'd clear that up as fast as possible. thanks for sitting through that! also, this thread is currently a WIP and will be updated when the whim strikes me. ([s]for now, that means i don't have any ideas posted; but i'm thinking of them[/s]. i did this so i can occupy myself and have some fun while the game i'm running is slow.) now, down to "brass tacks". (dunno why i wanted to use that phrase) [hider=about me] i don't type like this, in character. i allow my laziness to prevail outside of in-character stuff. i tend to post at what i consider an 'advanced' level, usually throwing out three to five (depends on the rp and how excited i get, sometimes it'll be more...lots more) paragraphs a post and i (tend) to pay close attention to characters, their motivations and their growth throughout a thread. i don't mind playing either gender, or collaborating on things. i like rps with twists and nuances; i like modern settings with 'supernatural' elements to them and i'm deeply enamored with the idea of time-traveling and end-of-the-world scenarios; i like fantasy settings a lot, but they have to deviate from what is usually considered the 'norm'. i get kind of busy from time to time, but try to post as soon as i get done reading whatever has been posted. sometimes, it might take me a few hours to get around to actually getting done; but i'm fairly consistent. i'm open to suggestions and questions and love to talk with people! that said, i don't usually do pre-established universes (meaning, i'm not a big fandom fan. that's not saying i'm not OPEN to the idea...given you suggest something i have substantial knowledge about, or you're willing to inform me [or provide me some reference material] on!) but i am ALWAYS game to come up with new worlds/universes and flesh them out with someone. i don't mind rping through PMs or a thread; i don't usually do e-mail or instant messaging rps. that's about it, about me...well, all that seems relevant anyway. now, i'm gonna start working on some ideas. they're not up, yet, but will be in a little bit.[/hider] [hider=some ideas] [i]this is where the ideas will go. i'll only be putting up three at a time, and probably only do one or two 1x1's overall.[/i] 1) [undertale rp] bc i love that stuff and i feel like, with the right partner, it'd be really fun! NO IDEAS, YET, BUT THINKING ABOUT IT REALLY HARD! 2) [untitled] a simple moment, caught in time. the world has already ended. you hold the key to make everything normal, again...setting the clock back an entire year; at the cost of your memories. however, making this choice will restore your friends to life...repair all the damage done by your foolhardiness, and give EVERYONE another chance at making things right. this will be a modern setting (though i'm imagining this to be HEAVILY anime styled) with several 'supernatural' concepts. i decided that YOU will be playing the 'main character' and i'll be playing SOMEONE to go along with you on an adventure you've (kind of) already had! details aren't solid, but i'm formulating some stuff. most likely thinking that YOU and YOUR FRIENDS are fated to endure this ordeal. i'm also thinking of having the CHARACTERS and some of the ENEMIES based on tarot cards. yes? [s]yes![/s] 3) [united, separated] details coming soon. suffice to say the idea is that we're two characters bound by FATE; literally bound together through a soul-tether. we've been dead for a while, but something has brought us back. the details are whatever you'd like. i have no preference on this one, in terms of world or characters. we'll have been dead for twenty one days before returning.[/hider] will be coming back to this, soon, to do updates and stuff. edit; put up two rough ideas! i don't know HOW MUCH detail i'm going to provide with these, because i'd rather cultivate an atmosphere of cooperation and co-creation.