I'm at a hospital waiting for my dad to get out of his colonoscopy. I'm so bored. So very, very bored. Someone shoot me. edit: i made it home. Got treated to mongolian grill (hell yeeeeee) and also got some weird looks when i was rocking out after I delivered my dad home (what man crashervania is a good song) SNEKKY EDIT: MOTHERFUCK I FORGOT THAT SOBBY MCRYBABY ARRIVED TOO SHIT SHIT FUCK MY ASSHOLE HHHUAAAAAAAGH FUCK fuck i guess it fits tho b/c he's boring to freya ATM. Just sniffling and being a baby... once her delivery is done doodily diddled, i guess she could be like "...whats your problem? stop.. Doing the nose thing. It's really distracting man just blow your nose????"