[b][center]~| Day 2, 11:50-12:15 GST |~[/center][/b] Entirely as Miasa expected, the droid she had sent into the arena soon found itself outmatched by the Jedi prisoner the troopers picked out. It did surprise her a bit that the Jedi picked an electrostaff to fight the droid with, but not overmuch. Of the weapons available, it was one of the more reliable ones there. She immediately saw areas such a droid could be improved for the purpose of fighting Jedi, but did not feel like assembling another yet. Once the droid was fully mangled and disabled, it did not surprise her even a little that the Jedi started digging inside its remains. Even an initiate would know there’s good salvage in a war droid, but she did not expect him to take what looked like the Gyroscopic stabilizer. Was he stupid or did he have some sort of plan for such a part? What possible use could he have for that? She thought it would be particularly interesting to build a close-combat droid with a cortosis weave shell, then equip the Jedi with a lightsaber. But if she did, she would have to implement some means of containing the Jedi within the arena so long as he was so heavily armed. That idea would need some further thought. Once he had hidden the part he took, Miasa saw him jump up to the side of the arena. He had not been foolish enough to grab any of the weapons. After that, she turned away from the monitor. The Troopers would ensure he did not stray from the appropriate areas. [b][center]~| Day 2, 12:13-12:20 GST |~[/center][/b] Meanwhile, a few clicks away from the Kaggath, an Imperial shuttle jumped out of hyperspace. It bore the markings of the Imperial Intelligence agency and slowly made its way over to the much larger Gage-class transport. This particular shuttle had left several hours earlier from a prison ship that was stationed a few systems away from Tatooine and it bore a very specific cargo: A Jedi Knight. This Jedi was Kara Paan. She had been captured a few weeks earlier on Alderaan and had been detained on an Imperial Intelligence prison ship. She was seated in one of the many chairs available on the shuttle and was flanked by two troopers who kept their blasters at the ready incase she might have some funny ideas. The fact that her hands were cuffed and that she wore a shock collar didn't really seem to make them feel any more confident. That being said, Kara didn't seem too relaxed either. After all, she was onboard of a shuttle and if there’s one thing she hated, then that thing is flying. As the shuttle approached the Kaggath, the shuttle-pilot requested permission to dock aboard. Permission which, after a short scan of the shuttle, was granted. And thus the pilot steered towards the main hangar in preparation to drop off his cargo and be on his way again. [b][center]~| Day 2, 12:16 -12:25 GST |~[/center][/b] The arrival of the shuttle was expected. Or rather, some very few expected it, Miasa among them. Like a good Sith, she had contacts in numerous places, some of them more valuable than others. The contact that had provided her this particular bit of information was among the more valuable ones, deep within Imperial Intelligence. She did not care how the Jedi had been captured, only that it had. Her source told her the Jedi had quickly been isolated, before any of the more competitive members of Imperial Intelligence got word of her. There was no real value in having Jedi tortured solely for information, when they instead could be taught to use the full spectrum of the force and maybe even be made into proper Sith. Pulling out a datapad, she read up on the information available about the prisoner. There wasn’t much. A name, species, physical description and a few other minutiae. The usual. The prisoner was unusually tall and heavily built, but not excessively so. With a few quick taps, she instructed the droids to assemble a set of clothes for her. A future Sith should not wear a prisoner’s jumpsuit. The clothes might not be a perfect fit, but they would be better than nothing. With the efficiency true only to droids, the clothes arrived moments after she slithered into the hangar. A full four septets of Troopers arrived moments after that, led by a single corporal. She handed the clothes to the corporal, including the boots. He in turn handed them to one of his subordinates. The troopers formed ranks around where the shuttle would land. The shuttle passed soundlessly through the forcefield protecting the hangar, its engines making a roar the moment they once more burned in an atmosphere, though they quickly powered down as the shuttle landed. Miasa coiled herself up before the troopers, awaiting the disembarking of the prisoner. Though largely semantics, she nonetheless believed the setup would provide a suitable impression to the prisoner. Dressed as she was, she would certainly not try to fight immediately. That Miasa found satisfying, for she thought it a great waste to kill a prisoner, especially without gaining any valuable information from the prisoner first. As the shuttle touched down in the hangar an Imperial Agent walked out of the cockpit and looked down at Kara with much disdain. “We’ve arrived at your new destination, Jedi scum.” He gestured at the troopers sitting next to Kara to release her restraints. While one trooper did just that, the other kept his blaster aimed at her, not willing to take any chances. After her restraints were removed Kara kept sitting, staring at the ground, lost in thought. Where was she now? What were they going to do with her? These were the thoughts that were racing through her mind. One of the troopers nudged Kara with his blaster, breaking her train of thought. “Get up and get moving!” The Agent said to her. “The sooner I can get back, the better.” After quickly recomposing herself she uttered a loud annoyed grunt as she got out of the chair and proceeded to stand up straight, towering over the others onboard. She smirked at the Agent. “Ooh please don't tell me that you’re going to miss m-” But before she could finish her sentence she felt a jolt of pain originating from her neck and coursing through her body. “The only thing I will miss is using this shock-collar on you.” The Agent said. “Now get moving!” The shuttle’s ramp slowly lowered and the artificial light of the hangar started to flood the inside of the cramped shuttle. Kara had to blink several times before her eyes had finally adjusted. Then she was finally able to distinguish as to who, or what, was waiting for her. A squad of troopers had been arranged in perfect symmetry, headed by what appeared to be a snake-lady… What were they called again? Kara couldn't really remember. But before she was able to say anything, Kara already felt another nudge in her back. Again it was a trooper with a blaster. She rolled her eyes as she slowly stepped forward towards the snake-lady and her troopers. Meanwhile the Agent walked right past Kara and straight towards this lady. He clicked his heels together and saluted her. “My Lord. It is my humble honour to deliver this package to you.” He said in a way Kara could only describe as being horribly servile, her disgust for him clearly portrayed on her face. “I hope that you are satisfied?” He then asked. “It will do.” Miasa answered, looking at the prisoner. Had she been less secure about herself, she might have had an urge to stretch higher up so as to tower over the human, but she saw absolutely no need for that. “You no longer need that.” Miasa said, as she motioned ever so slightly with her finger and Kara's shock collar fell away, clattering to the floor. Miasa saw her looking down at the discarded collar, free to do more than she had been able to do before. Kara rubbed her sore neck, as this is the first time in weeks that this blasted collar had been removed. In all honesty, she would have liked to pick that thing up and fix it on the Agent’s neck, see how he likes it. But that wouldn't be a very Jedi-like act now would it? Besides, this lady and her troopers would probably not be too fond of that idea. So Kara to take the sensible approach and not do anything rash. Instead, Kara locked eyes with the snake-lady in front of her, trying to gauge her. That was easier said than done as Kara had never met anyone of this species. “Who are you and what am I doing here?” Kara said bluntly. Considering she needed answers, the easiest way would be to just directly ask, wouldn't it? If this lady answered then Kara had information that she needed. If the lady didn't answer, well, then Kara hadn't really lost anything, had she? Miasa did not see fit to answer the prisoner’s questions. There was no hurry, and the prisoner would learn eventually in any case. Time was not of the essence. It never was. “Thessse clothesss will replace the clothesss you wear currently, who do not befit your ssstation. Then you will essscorted to the appropriate location.” Miasa indicated the stack of clothes in the hands of one of the soldiers. Ooh, that’s a horrible sis she’s got. Well, what else do you expect with a forked tongue like that. Anyway, apparently she didn’t want to answer any of the questions, which was a shame but kind of expected. Kara looked at the stack of clothes. They were just ordinary black clothes and sturdy boots. To be honest, it would be a massive upgrade over her current attire. Kara looked back at the woman. “I appreciate the gift and this whole...” she gestured at the squad assembled in front of her, “...welcoming party. But what do you have to gain from this? Surely you’re not doing this just out of hospitality?” She said with a barely veiled hint of distrust. “And euhm… You said you wanted me to change in those clothes. I hope you meant [i]after[/i] we get to the ‘appropriate location’ and not right this moment, right?” “Do you have anything to hide?” Miasa asked curiously before turning to look at the Imperial agent and her men. “Leave usss.” She turned her focus back to the prisoner, knowing the agent would depart. Less than a minute later, the shuttle took off again, returning to whatever location it had come from in the first place. Kara didn't know what bothered her more. The fact that this woman wanted Kara to undress right in front of her. Or the fact that she seemed oblivious to the fact that humans appreciated their privacy. Then again, this was probably another prison ship, so privacy wouldn't really be high on their priority list. In her head, Kara was thinking of ways how to get out of this situation. She wasn't just going to undress because a weird snake-lady demanded it… But what else could she do at this stage? Attack her? That’s not really very Jedi-like now is it? But what else could she do at this stage? After thinking for several seconds Kara couldn't really think of a way to get out of this mess, so she just sighed and let herself come to terms with the humiliation which she was about to experience. She looked at the soldier who carried the stack of clothes, her eyes would be burning with anger if she wasn't able to control her emotions thanks to her Jedi training. “You!” She said briskly. “Hand me those blasted clothes.” The soldier approached her with a faint smirk. Kara chose to ignore it and undid herself of the prisoner's jumpsuit and only the jumpsuit. She was not some Hutt slave after all, so she didn't make a show out of it either. As she threw the jumpsuit off, it revealed the many scars on her muscular body. These scars ranged from vibroblade cuts, blaster shots, claw marks and even a lightsaber burn. She then reached for the clothes provided by the soldier and it took all her self control as to not punch the guy on his nose. She quickly got into the new clothes, dark grey tunic and trousers, and noticed that while they were a bit on the small size. But hey, better than nothing. As she finished dressing up she looked back at the lady-snake, choosing to ignore the troopers behind her. “Happy now?” “That isss more appropriate.” Miasa answered, somewhat pleased at the Jedi’s irritation. It was not quite as good as true anger, but it was a start. Apparently the Jedi had humility. That could be used further. The Troopers, she noted absently, seemed to alternate between not looking and looking. Some of them appeared to be doing the latter while pretending to do the former. She did not really understand why. “Corporal. Sssee to it that the prisssoner isss essscorted to the prissson where she belongsss.” The corporal stepped forward and gestured at Kara to follow him. Before she would however she’d first look at the woman one last time. Kara was thinking of something to say to her, but that would just be giving in to her frustrations, something she could not permit herself to do. And thus, all Kara did was just look at her and give off a nod before following the corporal to the prison block. [b][center]~| Day 2, 12:40 GST |~[/center][/b] It didn't take too long before they finally arrived at the prison block. The corporal had been walking behind Kara, not taking his eye off of her for a second. She was tempted to try and make for an escape but she knew that it would be a futile attempt. Even if she somehow made it past all the guards and the Sith onboard, she’d still have to fly in a ship. Something she despised. So perhaps it was better to just stay here and sit it out for a while. Finally the corporal called for a halt and opened a door to a turbolift. Apparently this led straight to the prison complex. Kara stepped inside without any hassle, no point in causing any of it is there? After which the corporal shut the door behind her and the turbolift went on to the prison complex. Kara noticed that there were several other prisoners, though at first glance they all appeared strangers, yet almost all of them seemed to be Jedi. Atleast, if their clothes were anything to go by. Now, how did they get all these prisoners? And why were they all here? And where was [i]here[/i] anyway? Kara was sure that the answers to all these questions would become clear in due time. For now though, she decided that she wouldn't cause too much of a fuss and just remain quiet. If someone else would start a conversation with her, then she’d maybe talk. But as of now she’d just scan her surroundings a bit, as well as think about what just happened.