[img]https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/11715924_888290804565550_114519465_n.jpg?oh=14bd2e39c880eca817c366fe1ee9f576&oe=568200D6[/img] Xyro Tesslar is of an alien species known to most as the Awoken. He has pale green skin, dark hair (which he keeps buzzed), and brightly emphasized glowing turquoise eyes. He has semi-sharp features and wears a set of custom armor, along with a custom built energy weapon. Xyro is charming and easy to talk to. He is witty, smooth, and easy to relate to; his main downsides, however, are his recklessness, and his inner abandonment issues. Brought on from a severed relationship with his parents as a child, Xyro grew up compensating for his loneliness by acting out in a rebellious manner. From a young age, Xyro would push his limits and test his luck, performing acts with little to no regard for the apparent consequence of such actions. His recklessness in times of weakness can stand as an issue in dire situations, as he will act without properly thinking things through if he feels nervous or pressured. Despite his recklessness, Xyro is a mainly protective person; his reckless actions are usually more dangerous to his own health, and are frequently brought on by a desire to help or protect others without thought of himself. Due to Xyro's fear of abandonment, he will become agitated, remorseful, desperate, and sometimes delusional if he feels that he is going to lose someone he cares for. This causes Xyro to act irrationally, but also allows him to be a more dedicated and faithful partner, always wanting to make sure he expresses his feelings and need for the interaction and love of those he cares for. Xyro carries a custom modified SABR (Solar Abrasive Beam Rifle) Mk.6. The SABR works by creating solar level radiation in a small reactive chamber, amplifying the radioactive energy through a series of lenses and mirrors, and concentrating the energy into a beam of white-hot solar light. A series of switches on the side of the weapon control the beams intensity and concentration level, allowing the weapon to be adjusted for various environments. The weapons apparent power comes at the cost of weight and maneuverability. Due to the extent of the weapons build, it is more geared towards use as a long or mid range rifle, and not so much as an easily handled close quarters weapon. Because of this, Xyro usually resorts to his standard issue Deacon X3 phaser pistol in situations that would put him in close quarters, or call for quick movement. Xyro also possesses the ability to summon his loyal pet owl Iccha, a jet black barn with sharpened metal claw extensions. Xyro was born in the Awoken home settlement known as "The Reef." His father, Tero, was killed in service of the queen. Soon after, stricken by grief over the loss of her husband, his mother Kal left her son (four years old) in the care of an Exo named Terrin. Terrin, at the time, lived in the earth's capitol city surrounding the "Tower". Xyro would stay in her care until the age of 17, upon which time he spent intervals in and out of juvenile facilities, usually for trespassing on private property to climb buildings. At the age of 20, having left his adopted mother with a large sum of money gained from unknown source, Xyro made his way off planet and back to the Reef to confront his biological mother. Not much is known of what unfolded during his trip, and the Awoken queen does not seem to want anyone to know. After the confrontation at the reef, records indicate that Xyro moved somewhere out of galaxy, where he stayed for several years building his reputation and sending money to Terrin with the help of an unknown colleague. [img]https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t34.0-12/11667212_889572077770756_1212689209_n.jpg?oh=b840cb079ce1eebebe4634b0a0e3e8f4&oe=56820F27[/img] [Reference picture of Iccha made using Earldense's "Barn Owl Creator")