[h3][u][b][color=aba000]-Ruthora, Main Gate-[/color][/b][/u][/h3] [i][b]After Retreating to a Safe Distance, We Began Taking Our Loss Count. The Initial Push Proved Little Casulties, but as the Seps Dug in, They Started to Go Up. We Lost One Walker to Tank Fire, and 83 Men Dead or Dying. There was at least one piece of good news.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]Sergeant Rocker:[/b][/color] "General, I Recieved Comms from Onyx Squad, You Were Right. LAAT Got Shot Down from those AA Guns, Crew Survived and Onyx are Making Their Way Through the City. One AA Gun Already Down." [b]"That's Good News, Tell Them To Hurry and Get Those Auto Turrets Down so We Can Get in There and Finish This Battle."[/b] [color=aba000][b]Sergeant Rocker:[/b][/color] "Sir Yes Sir." [i][b]Commander Bronze had been talking with some of the higher ranking troops in the assault force, but now came to rejoin Me.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]Commander Bronze:[/b][/color] "If They Take Out at Least One More AA Gun, We Can Send in Our Gunships and Headhunters to Finish Off the Last One and Get Troops Inside. Also, Scouts Report that the Droids are Beginning to Re-Fortify Their Defenses." [b]"Get Those Cannons Online and Opening Long Range Fire, Then. Don't Let Them Reform Their Defenses."[/b] [color=aba000][b]Commander Bronze:[/b][/color] "Right Away Sir." [i][b]Not Even a Minute Later, the Loud Booming of the AV-7 Heavy Cannons Could Be Heard for Miles.[/b][/i] [@caliban22] [@Lord Coake] [h3][u][b][color=f7941d]-Sarrish, Orbit-[/color][/b][/u][/h3] [color=f7941d][b]Commander Cody:[/b][/color] "We Read You Freefall, It Looks Like You Should Be Able To... Wait, What's That?" [b]Deck Officer:[/b] "We're Reading Several Ships Coming Out of Hyperspace in Sector 2, Unidentified." [i][b]Cody Looked out the Bridge Windows and Watched as Several Munificent Class Star Frigates Emerged from Hyperspace Right Beside the Acclamator Class Cruisers.[/b][/i] [color=f7941d][b]Commander Cody:[/b][/color] "Cruisers One Through Four, You Got Incoming Hostiles Point Two-Six, Prepare to Engage!" [i][b]The Cruisers Immediately Obliged, Focusing Their Heavy Turbolaser Turrets on the Incoming Frigates. Cody Noticed that the Torrents of Blue Squadron Were Caught Right in the Middle.[/b][/i] [color=f7941d][b]Commander Cody:[/b][/color] Freefall, Get Out of There Quick, Or You're About to be In for Quite a Lightshow!" [i][b]Right as he said that, the first lasers were fired, then more, and soon it was near impossible to distinguish anything in the lazer lightshow.[/b][/i] [@nano627] [@Zarkun]