[@Moonlit Sonata][@thewizardguy] [center][b][h1]Gojira-San[/h1][/b][/center] [i]"...f-fine, hiding world travel thing, if you want to keep hiding and let my sister starve, then go ahead!"[/i] Gojira-San would pause to turn around at Yoh curiously. Yet what she said was indeed very sad. Of course she would have a family to go back too as well. After all... she's just a child. Yet this also made the woman very anxious and worried about her own daughter too. She hopes that she's safe with her allies and no abducted by any evil kaiju off to get revenge at her. All these possibilities... but she kept this all to herself. [b]"Pardon?"[/b] she asks Yoh as if she didn't hear. [i]"...I-I thought that if I tried to make it feel guilty, it would stop hiding."[/i] Yoh spoke up after a few seconds, sniffling slightly and evidently frustrated that her masterful plan to coax the Terminal out had failed. [i]"Miss Gojiiiiraaaaaaa, why is this thingie being a bully?"[/i] [b]"I don't know..."[/b] Goji answers simply, [b]"But think of~ think of it as if its playing hide and seek. You need to look closely in order to~"[/b] [@Player 2] Suddenly, her senses detected something not too far away. Someone was nearby... a person perhaps. She sniffs the air several more times, making sure she has it and not part of the station itself. [b]"Someone's here..."[/b] she mutters, [b]"It's coming from deeper into the shop."[/b] She takes a few steps towards the impending darkness as she slowly approaches where the smell is. [b]"Stay here Yoh-chan..."[/b] she says to Yoh as she signals not to come with her right arm and hand out to her side. She slowly begins to walk into the impending darkness, oblivious to what she may find... [hr] [@Kael Taiyou][@Cuccoruler][@Gummi Bunnies][@Flamelord][@Eviledd1984] [center][h1]Ryu[/h1][/center] After several minutes of being on the run, continously looking back to see on who is following and with everyone seemingly to be accounted for, they appeared to have lost the Alliance that were after them. Breathing a sigh of relief, and panting from the short up burst in speed, he continues to search the horizon for the palace. After several minutes of searching from a hight enough building, he can vaguely see the Temple to the northeast, roughly a mile away. This battle was fought way too close to his likings. If they were to be followed, the would've surely given their location. He takes this as a simple stroke of luck. "We're a mile away from the palace!" he calls out to everyone as he jumps down from the view, "Just about a mile more to the northeast and we'll be back. Hopefully Nova will still be there." He takes one last glance at the group. "Everyone accounted for?" he asks everyone, just to be 100% sure. [hr] [@Eviledd1984] [center][b][h1][u]THE ALLIANCE OF CONQUERERS[/u][/h1][/b][/center] [center][b][h3]+ Starkiller[/h3][/b][/center] [i]”So your organization… do you have room for one more? I plan on kill the Joestar bloodline and I believe I'll need help if she happens to be making allies…”[/i] [color=8dc73f][b]"Like I said,"[/b][/color] Bowser responds to Kar, [color=8dc73f][b]"Your on our list of ones to recruit, along with that laser beam wielding guy over there..."[/b][/color] [b]"Sith..."[/b] corrects Ultron with a groan of dissatisfaction. [b][color=fff200]"Ya guys done already?"[/color][/b] crackles Ghidorah as she and Satsuki begin to head towards the portal, [b][color=fff200]"We don't have all day!"[/color][/b] The two members nod as they, and supposably Kars, begin to follow the three behind them and begin to head into the portal and through the ripple, pop out in Bern, Switzerland. The portal lead out to a bridge, which crossed over a river and into the heart of the city, a temporary base of operations for their conquest. Once they have a firm grip on better universes, may they be able to make a new base... bigger... stronger... and by that time make more allies for their cause. [color=ed1c24]Time will only tell...[/color]