Cythlla had run with the others. She was riding Henry the whole time as well. Once they came to a stop at the half elf Cythlla could be seen trying to hide behind Henry. She didn't like half human elfs the most. It wasn't that they were bad when she was a slave or anything. It was just that they never helped her. Henry saw Elevyn start to stumble. He looked back at Cythlla. "You can go on foot for now right?" Henry asked her. Cythlla nodded to him, she had looked back at the man with the crossbow as well. She really didn't like elves, they always acted stuck up like they were better than everyone else. Henry moved towards Elevyn he was certainly big. "Would you like to ride on my back for a bit? It will give you a chance to rest." Henry said to Eleyvn. Henry really did have a kind face, even for a bear you could see it in his face.