[color=f7941d][h3][b]Sarrish[/b]- Orbit[/h3] [/color] Darkness and flashes of light. Screams and smoke. [color=DeepSkyBlue]Helix:"Freefall! Freefall!"[/color] Freefall awoke to the sounds of the alarms and his body being jerked. He stumbled up his body felt like lead and even the slightest movements were agony. Helix helped him up and lent him against a nearby work table. Freefalls vision was blurry and it took him a few moments to get his bearings. He looked around and saw two V-19s both damaged. No, one damaged the other beyond repair. A little further to the side were 10 larties one with an attached AT-TE. Around the larties were a couple hundred troopers, all looking rather nervous. [color=Chocolate]Freefall:"we're on the Defiant?"[/color] [b]BOOM![/b] The whole craft shook as it recieved a salvo from the enemy craft. [color=DeepSkyBlue]Helix:"Yes,sir"[/color] Helix's tone sounded a bit like CK's, never a good sign. [color=Chocolate]Freefall:"The others?"[/color] [color=DeepSkyBlue]Helix:"Gone"[/color] Freefall noded plainly it was a sad thing to say but they were used to friends dying. [b]CRACK![/b] Freefall began to understand why everyone on the hanger was looking so nervous the enemy frigates were focusing fire on the Defiant and by the sound of it the shields weren't going to hold much longer. Freefall looked to Helix [color=Chocolate]Freefall:"Phase 2 is a go. Let's give'em the Hotdrop"[/color] Helix looked surprised for a moment before simply wandering over to the larties and ushering the clones aboard [color=DeepSkyBlue]Helix:"All right troopers! let's load it up!"[/color] Freefall eased towards Wrench, looked like he was in charge for the moment at least [color=Chocolate] Freefall:"I'm gonna need 9 engineers and before you argue, we both know that the Defiant probably won't be here long enough for us to make a second run and engineers are the closest thing to pilots still here. I want those troopers to at least have a chance of dying after being of some use to the Republic."[/color] [color=Salmon]Wrench:"You're right old friend but that is why you are going to take all 20 of us we are useless here"[/color] Freefall did a couple calculations in his head before agreeing that there was enough space to do that. The improvised invasion force waited until just after the latest barrage of fire to launch. Hoping to get down to the surface before they were all killied. Freefall was of course taking the AT-TE down after all quick drops was his specialty. There departure was escourted by a hundred crys of [b]"FOR THE REPUBLIC!"[/b] [@Shiny Keldeo][@Zarkun]