As soon as the cyborg gotten information on where to go Eiko swung the water elemental's legs wide and almost knocked something over on a table but she was careful enough to manuver the elemental's legs to not hit anything and made sure she didn't hit Yuudai or someone else, as Eos spoke to Shiina, Eiko got into Yuudai's face to the point where Eiko was pressing her chest up against Yuudai's."[color=cadetblue] Your running with me so I'm just gonna say this once, if I see you fuck up or do something that I don't like or we lose this guy because of something you did then you don't get paid any of the cut, you do something that makes me angry you won't be paid, you leave and give me lip you don't get paid you under stand ?[/color]" Eiko asked holding up her regular hand and pointing it in Yuudai's direction." [color=Cadetblue]I'm not your so called sister so I won't up with any of your bull shit.[/color]" It seemed like Eiko almost had it out for the Oni, but it wasn't that she just didn't want to be responsible for what ever could happen to the stupid girl, Eiko backed off of her and grabbed Yuudai by the hand leading her out of the cafe with Tomo under her arm, she began leading Yuudai while carrying the water elemental girl she was silent the whole way to the area that they were going to, when they were there Eiko let the water elemental down and hoped Yuudai wouldn't do anything that could or would mess up anything.