Take your time. Today I classed up, therefore my busy days will be far more common. Meaning they'll be five days a week. My weekends will be loaded too, but I'll still find time to RP during my liberty times. I make "me" time - I don't give it ALL to my shipmates. So now I've got a week of English lessons (to be familiarized, in case I'm not already, with the components of English) before the foreign language begins. On another note: I made "Phase II" today, so I'm now allowed to leave base and stay out until midnight on the weekends... and the best part? I can wear civilian clothes after 1600 on weekdays and all day on weekends! :D Hoo-yah civilian clothes. I went down a size in jeans, a couple in shirts (I actually fit in Mediums, I used to wear L-XL... Medium is a HUGE step), got a new hoodie... Basically just went to Target today for basics. But it was still amazing. ^_^ First time in jeans in three months and the first time in that frame where I mingled with civilians. Very exciting!