Halen's cold stare turned into a raised brow of puzzlement as the Half breed woman began to snarl at him in a foreign language. Well it was a [b]mostly[/b] foreign tongue, Halen heard his brother speak a few words of this before when they briefly met 20 years ago. The woman was muttering something about pride and standing her ground, the tone was clearly a threatening one, so it was probably a warning for her and the group's safety, definitely not normal mercenary behavior. [i][color=00a99d]Don't assume I speak that pointy ear language, I'm a hunter not a linguist, and I'm not sure what you are but you aren't human, keep your distance, alien.[/color][/i] Halen then heard as a second member approached him from behind. An old man wielding a crossbow and barking threats in the name of his superior officer, who was clearly the lady in front of him. Halen turned his head slowly towards his back. [i][color=00a99d]Such a popular weapon, the crossbow. I heard they invented it for old unskilled archers who found a bow too complex to use, I'm glad its still in high demand.[/color][/i] Finally Halen looked past the other people and straight at the woman knight, she identified herself as Commander Sunderland and explained the reason for the odd bunch following her. Halen was satisfied, her armor was telling enough but her refined speech and tone sealed away any speculations. That's not to say Halen trusted any of the others, but they seemed to have competent leader with them. [color=00a99d][i]I'm Initiate Claymore-Vayne, unofficially known as Halen of the Hunt. I've been hired by the Starguard as a combat expert to provide extra muscle against the cultists, but I've obviously arrived too late. I know the village you speak of, and I suppose now that my employers are dead I have little to do but accompany you and hopefully find my reimbursement on the way.[/i][/color] Halen turned on his heel and began to lightly step in the direction of the close by village.