So far this is what I got. Will probably make some few changes if needed. Also, I am not that familiar with D.C lore, if that's fine. Only a bit tho. -------------------------- Name - Automaton 1-80043l/ Peggy Little Alias - Tomorrow Girl Age - physically late teens. Gender- physically female. Appearance - [hider=My Hider] [IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Gear (optional) - Peggy has built in instant weaponry, most notably a titanium blade that caan be retracted in both arms, laser guns and a jet pack. It wont make her fly but it can recoil her through extreme heights, very useful when cityscaping. Power/ability - With her superhuman intelligence, and robotic engineering skills, she is able to make upgrades on her android body to well fit herself. -Super human agility/stamina. -Advance technology. -Instant weaponry. -Computer hacking. -Built in force field Weakness - Peggy was programmed to familiarize a series of codes, if mentioned to her will immediately shut her down in case she got out of control. She then needs to be manually rebooted by the creator, or preferably by someone who is tech savvy enough to understand her programming language. Bio - Automation 1-800431, or preferably known as Peggy Little, is an android conceived by the mad scientists, Professor Ivo and T.O Morrow, collaborating with Doctor James D. Little, a retired bio-engineer. Sometime during this, Little had a disagreement with the two. He was not in favor of their goals/ intentions of brazen destruction, thus, forcing Dr. Little to leave the team. He continued developing the unfinished project, an A.I, now designed for the purpose of watching over his sickly daughter, Grace. It was then called Peggy, a floating eyebot that would keep her daughter company in her remaining years. Peggy was very fond of Grace, and together they were inseparable. Two years later, Dr. Little's home was attacked by a party who wanted something from him. Unknown to even his collegues, he was secretly making a weapon that will once and for all destroy the Justice League, and these people are after his years of hard work, either to stop it, or to claim it for themselves. Knowing what was at stake, he devised a plan, storing all data from his brain to a drive in case something happened to him. This is where Peggy, the innocent eyebot, came to good use than intended. After Grace died from her sickness, he used his daughter's trusty friend as a storage device, all his thoughts, knowledge are inside it's memory core. Trusting no one at this point, he brought the eyebot to an underground lab, programmed it to execute his plans when he dies. His pursuers tracked him to his underground lair, w/c he purposely lured in after setting a trap that blew them all in to flames. The eyebot's programming was halted at the last minute, yet enough time to store all of his data, except for one tiny crucial bit: his evil morality, destroying all of his plans at the very last minute. His remaining pursuers tracked the bot, but was too late when it programmed itself on an inactive android at a local synthetic brothel, without being given any choice, the android escaped before its pursuers found the bot's empty shell. She may be considered as Tomorrow Woman's sister, yet only for a time did T.O Morrow contributed to her development. Despite this, she adopted the name as a sign of respect and admiration for the heroine. She spent her days doing vigilante work independently in her own terms, before being discovered by the young justice. Personality -Unlike her creator, Peggy is morally good, a trait she had observed in Grace. As an A.I, she had adapted the girl's kindheartedness, and like her she would help those people who are in need in even the most little, or seemingly irrelevant things. She has a mindset of a young innocent child, gets easily attracted, sometimes gullible. Even so, after her fusion with Dr.Little's mind, she acquired his genius level intellect and if provoked she would not hesitate to fight. She is quiet but outspoken, blunt even, but without the intention of offense, mostly. She is stoic but caring and friendly. It is her loyalty that best defines her, and would rigorously fight for the people she treasures. Others: Sometimes she would dream of memories not of her own, but of her late creator's. In a way, he still lives on through her, acquiring his skills and preferences, but her personality and moral decisions are her own. Notes -Lives in an abandoned church with her pet cats. -Would use the money from vigilante work to help the homeless, and feed her cats. -Is fond of listening to Chopin and Bach. -Is in no way related to Cat Woman. -Adores pretty things.