Plasma Toa? Yes. Lava Surfing? Yes. (Although if it's in Ta-Congro, it's either smokestack sledding or slag surfing tbh.) Female Toa? Yes. Elemental Mask? Double yes. (The Kanohi Garai is one of my favorites in context- i.e. on Hewkii Mahri, so the execution of Plasma and Stone will be interesting.) Also, love how the Powerless Kanohi Bharai is a KISS mask. Can't wait to see how she interacts with the others. Like Hura. Especially Hura. They're like, totally opposite. Her occupation is cool too. I guess we could call her a Melter? (Of Faces! Haha.) Akili accepted! You may put your CS in the character section, and post in the IC at your leisure. Now, question is, do I make a Ce-Matoran with which she can be bifls, or a De-Matoran, whom Akili will both miff and mystify. Decisions decisions. In addition, officially, welcome to the story! Also: She better rain down that sweet sweet metal. O.O Her Toa Tool could be an ax. That's also an axe. Now, music linked in IC text and character/event themes are not only encouraged, but canon. I was thinking of having the plot "year song" (as in the one in theoretical adverts) to be Murky (of course by Cryoshell), because I feel it sorta fits the setting, and a bit of what I have planned for the immediate future/story events, like stuff that's just part of how things work.