she's ALMOST done. I want to keep adding to her xD I had a funny idea of her awakening and lol'd the whole way through. "Oh ... what's happening..." walking about and- WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE right off the side of an embankment into a pool of water as people go "wtf" EDIT: SHE'S HERE I'll make it look prettier when it's not 4 AM lol..... 5 hours of writing and picture hunting omg... going to go to bed now lol.... [center] [img][/img] [b]N A M E / A L I A S[/b] [i]Arsanna Va Nri[/i] The Final voice of Nridriel, The Martyr , but more often known as [u]Flamekeeper Arsanna[/u] [b]M Y T H O L O G Y[/b] The tale weaved many years ago was of a small girl from the lost kingdom of Nri- it was a place of unparalleled beauty, sadly wrought into war. It was said that the landscape was covered in trees of white bark and black leaves, of flowers that bloomed in luminescent blue by moonlight. It was said that this land was touched by the gods so long ago that none can possibly trace the ages long passed by time. These people beckoned upon the goddess Nridriel, Mother Moon, or the Goddess of the night. Although her tale has faded with the final memories of this now lost placed, it was told that Arsanna was a gifted priestess who quelled a storm of fire and brimstone that raged upon the city for 3 days and 3 nights- A fire brought in the fury of the Moon Mother driven mad. her rage sundered the land of Nri, destroying it's beautiful flowers and ashen trees. It's towering cities brought to it's knees, its people brought to their knees and begging for forgiveness for committing the ultimate sin upon their lands. These 3 days became known as "The Blood Moon"; as the meteors careened into the earth bellow- an unmoving moon held high, painted deep in red. Night did not pass into day and a black barrier cut off the country from the outside world. Within the Bastion of Lights, it was said the normally brilliant fire of Nridriel grew, scarring her alter and the began to burn black. On the first night of the Blood moon, all of the blue flowers and ashen tree bloom red, withering away and leaving a barren landscape unsuitable for men. The moon ran red as blood and a black rain fell on the land. On the second night of the Blood moon, the waters ran black, the stars in the sky began to glow a sinister shade. Moaning could be heard in the sky, black clouds began to form. On the third night of the Blood moon, fire and stone fell from the sky, rampaging the cities of Nri. It was said that during the merciless slaughter of the people of Nri, Arsanna continued to dance and sing, protecting the many people who came to take refuge beneath her songs. The most beautiful and grand Radiance the people of this land had ever seen was protected them, eventually becoming powerful enough to create a shield over the center itself. It was at that time Arsanna told them all to flee- her parting words are said to be her final sacrifice, to repent for the sins of this once grand Kingdom: "Spare them, take me instead" Though the accounts of the end of Nri are fuzzy at best, many say that the few survivors fled in terror as they were shielded from the night's Wrath. The black barriers were shattered by the ribbons of music bound light that began cascading across the sky in every direction. The people did not turn back as the night screamed in pain and anguish. All the while, her songs lit the sky as clear as day, they did escape the city. As they crossed out of the lands, the lands began to burn and shatter, shredding the earth. the Moon eclipsed and was said to become the mouth that swallowed the cities of Nri. The paraselene became blinding and with a single chime, the clouds, the red stars and the cities of Nri were no more- so too were those still trapped within it. All that remained was an expanse of emptiness before them. But this is how the story goes, but history never lies, historians however... Arsanna in truth was born to a miller and his wife in the singular city of Nri- it was not a kingdom but a singular city state ruled by a council of mages that sought out young hopefuls to innovate and lead their city in war against a neighboring land of Izarem. the city of Nri was indeed covered in it's beautiful and exotic landscape but the effect of magic was slowly wearing on the land. Nridriel was considered the matron deity of this land and her influence was well noticed among it. It was learned that through the use of magically intoned refactors, the Radiant Songs could be amplified and was then that the discovery of Izarem's impeding invasion lead them to use this gift against them and annihilate the enemy forces. It was this time that Arsanna was orphaned and taken to the palace barracks and was enlisted as a soldier at a young age and due to her natural ability at using the Radiant Songs, was trained to be a weapon of war. It was during the planned invasion of Izarem that Arsanna discovered that a weapon was going to be used from Nri to directly destroy the enemy land and did not march with the others. Upon confronting the council of their plans to destroy the city and effectively kill thousands of innocent people, she was imprisoned. The weapon was a spark of the Nridriel Flame stolen from the Bastion Of Light and on the night of the weapon being used, the curse of the Blood Moon began... giant meteors rained over Nri as the waters became bubbled into oil. The land was burning as the moon was slowly eclipsing- gravity and sound began bending and slowly the city was being sucked into the sky into the dark hole that was once the moon. No barriers of black magic imprisoned the people in- but the city walls and gates were sealed by the council to essentially keep anyone from escaping and spreading word of such a sacrilegious act of taking a part of a flame. Arsanna used the chaos to get free and sought to take back the Ember that was stolen. Upon entering the Council Chambers, she was greeted by the perpetrator, who planned on taking the artifact and fleeing with it- of which a battle began where both users were throwing out Radiant sonic blasts at each other, destroying the city. The identity of the thief was not direct identified but Arsanna did become victorious. With the ember in hand, she retreated to the shrine of Nridriel to try quelling her rage which in turn caused Arsanna to begin using her songs on a lunar refactor to amplify her music to shield the temple and once her power and strength began to dwindle- she began channeling her magic and using the ember in one of her chime bracelets to further amplify the effect. her shields and Radiant Sonic waves began knocking away r shielding the ruins of the city from more onslaught. Her final words however were true as she began to realize that without clearing the way, these people could never escape... using a few ribbons of light, she cleared open the the southern gate. Encouraging them all to go, she told them they only had a little time- as the city was still raising into the sky, crumbling in bits. When they left the chamber, she was left alone. With all her heart and rage, she poured her soul into a song powered purely by the ember that passed over the rest of the city in thousands of ribbons streaming from from a glyph rounding under her feet. Her eyes echoed in gold light as the palace ruins exploded out. Arsanna was engulfed in the fires practically incinerated. In her place floated the Ember of Nridriel that began its slow ascent into the now fully eclipsed moon that began pulling everything into its dark grasp. To those who looked out, they saw a bright flash flow out of the moon followed by a blinding light. All three moons were now once again in view, not the solitary Blood Moon. All that remained was scarce ruins that can still be found today in the Plains of Dust. Branded text resembling the Radiant Loops can still be found scarred to buildings and stones occasionally found in the deserts. An Oasis known as "Arsanna's Rest" can be found, where a formal travelers' marker stands as shrine to her sacrifice. It was here that Arsanna awakened. Head pounding, eyes blinded by the sun and dizzy, unable to walk straight. She wandered about for a good time, unsure what was going on. she continued her wandering until she slips beyond an embankment and falls face first into the waters bellow. Her long flowing hair madly twisting about in the waters edge, catching all forms of disgusting matters within it. Two men and an elderly woman trying hoisting her free but continued to yank at the resistance they gained- her hair was wrapped and knotted around a root intruding from beneath stone and earth. with a few quick cuts, she was free. She was quickly taken to a near by temple where she was nursed to health and provided clothing and food... It was here that Arsanna discovered the painful truth- keeping it to herself. Nridriel was no longer called the Moon Mother of Night any longer as well. People at the shrine called her, "Nridriel, Mother of Night's Delusion" [b]A P P E A R A N C E[/b] [img][/img] Arsanna was a very gifted musician who loved her craft, knowing as a child how to use her power in a lesser extent. Brands of the Radiant Language are burned onto her back via the use of the songs. Because of this, she never took to the more risque attire as many of Song-Trained Soldiers she knew had. she took to simple blue and white garbs. She did not, if ever, begin donning her armor that she was awarded. On the day of the Blood Moons, she wore a noble pearl blue dress; hair of these indiduals (man or woman) was left uncut, as it was seen as disrespectful to have short hair and be in the military in Nri. the young woman's awakening in Arsanna's Rest was hazy at best; she laid in a small clearing beneath a petrified tree, long since dead, in a patch of black and blue flowers. Standing, groggy and confused, she walked about in a daze- and unknowingly walked off an embankment into the spring while onlookers watched in confusion as to why a woman in singed clothing had haphazardly fallen into a pool of water like the undead. After being rescued, she was dressed in her current attire and due to how she got her hair tangled in debris in the water, needed to have it cut. [b]A B I L I T I E S / E Q U I P M E N T[/b] Arsanna's power was deemed a gift from the god's as young woman from her time who lived in the now fallen kingdom were selected for this gift and given the right to retain as "Radiance". "The Radiant" or an ancient song language known to those who communed with their Goddess. the power is activated upon simply singing this language and allowing resonance with light. These Sonic waves can have varying effects dependent on how they are used. Upon release of the first note or beat, the user releases outward double banded loops of lights, or just a line of the double banded ribbons of light, that expands outward and fades. Between the two bands lay archaic texts and symbols where the knowledge of the exact meaning is lost in time and worn by history that not even the practitioners of this art cannot translate it any longer in this day and age. Arsanna is the soul retainer of this dead language. Around her wrists and akles, she wore gold and silver bracelets made to imitate the look the the language with various bells attached to them- it was a normal practice to dance while singing these songs and use the sound waves made from the chimes to help generate extra Lines of light or sonic loops. the right hand was named [i]Roth Ier[/i] or Hell's Winter and the left, [i]Fio Brell[/i] or Summer's Gift. The anklets were Apple of Autumn; [i]Ushir Lo Gri [/i] and Spring Remembrance; [i]Jyu Likra[/i]. The Apple of Autumn was destroyed as it was the trinket the Ember was used within. The only item still in her possession seems to be the crown of military service she wore the nights of the Blood Moon. It seems to be her only clue as to what is going on. The crown itself does not possess any magic properties, but it was a symbol of extreme status in her day and age. Any historian or archaeologist would undoubtedly know where that crown comes from. It bears the crest of Nri upon it. The Lights' bandsand lines cause an internal resonance when they interact with an object, entirely based on the intent of the user. the purpose or use of this is no longer known, but it is possible to imprint or burn the band and the sigils within them onto objects effectively burning the meaning onto the object. If a single line of the Radiant is generated, it can be forced forward in a forceful manner which can knock one back or possibly stun them. The effects could include but not limited to branding the text onto a target, sending out sharp bursts that can cause powerful impacts or even slice clean through things or by generating the light and focusing in on the loop created, halting it's movement, can be used as a shield- creating a disc. A G E O F L E G E N D 46,397 [/center]