[color=ed1c24]-NPC-[/color] Picture [hider=Image][img]http://i1183.photobucket.com/albums/x464/alana553/Anime%20Guy/Anime_guy_2_by_Jacob88.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Loki 'Invisible Reaper' Gariun Age: 26 Gender: male Race: Human Appearance: Tends to wear glasses and looks weak but he is actual fairly strong. Backstory: He has been with the guild for a while now, having came from some back water village, he has gotten himself a nickname the 'Invisible Reaper' over the time his been with the guild. For he can kill his targets, without anyone or anything ever knowing he was there. He had joined the guild when he was a young age, he was given his weapon, for it reacted to him. it was to be an artifact put in with the great hall as a viewing piece, but it reacted when it came near him and latched onto his finger. never being able to separate himself from it, he started to train learning how to use it under the tutelage of the guild master. gaining a verity of experience in multiple weapons, which is when his Presence ability started to appear.. when one day a monster that was attacking never even noticed him, before he struck the final blow. Personality: Goofy and friendly, but when in combat seems like a totally different person. Weapon skill/choice: Shifting Weapon - A weapon that can change it's form to the will of the user. (think of a shape shifter but in weapon form) Weapon picture: [hider=when not used][img]http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1ecRdIXXXXXbFXpXXq6xXFXXX1/Free-shipping-Anime-peripheral-anime-ring-projectile-round-dance-finger-ring-Couples-ring-set-cosplay-2pcs.jpg[/img][/hider] Power/ability: Presence - He can control his presence in his surroundings, from becoming zero presence; where everyone would forget he existed, wouldn't even recognize that he is standing right in front of them. to multi-presence; where it appears there is multiple of him all over the place, to full presence; where he is the only one they ever notice. He can use this power in multiple forms, and ways. From projecting it to his entire surroundings, to a single target. could be seen like an illusion. Other Info: Prefers to use Scythe forms with his weapon hence his nickname, but can use other kinds along with it.