Frank S. Age:looks 78 but is actually 124 years old Race: Human Description: an older male that wears a bright neon green lab coat, and big bulky glasses (that is just for looks). handcuffed to his right arm is a charcoal grey briefcase inside said briefcase is the most dangerous weapon ever made... the ability to destroy all living matter that frank has seen in his life... even himself Grade:teacher Magic school:True sight, alchemy (I know alchemy isn't a magic just deal with it.) Personality: even though he has the most dangerous weapon on his hands he doesn't take advantage of it in fact he is more of a observer and doesn't like to get involved with the school. Bio: This man was appointed from the government to keep an eye on the school to act like a back up plan as a last resort. not much is known about this man, The only thing we do know is he tends to not get emotionally attach to anything or anyone. [Beta in the works]