[h3][color=aba000][u][b]-Ruthora, Main Gate-[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [b]"Good work Onyx', I'm Also Going to Notify You that The Outer Walls of the City are Ray Shielded, They May Be Linked in the Same Console as the Auto Turrets, Or One Nearby. Take That Out as Well, Along With At Least One More AA Gun."[/b] [i][b]As I Ended the Transmission, I Heard Blasterfire Coming from the Front Lines. I Saw Bronze Rushing Back With His Minigun in his Hand.[/b][/i] [color=aba000][b]Commander Bronze:[/b][/color] "General, The Droids are Beginning to Press Their Attack, We Had to Pull Back." [b]"Let's Move it Up Then, We Can't Lose Our Position Here. Move the Walkers Back Up for Covering Fire."[/b] [color=aba000][b]Commander Bronze:[/b][/color] "You Got it General!" [i][b]With Our Walkers Creeping Along, I Pushed Forward Along With Bronze, Combining my Lightsabers into my Combination Saberstaff, Igniting Both.[/b][/i] [@caliban22] [@Lord Coake] [h3][color=f7941d][u][b]-Sarrish, Orbit-[/b][/u][/color][/h3] [i][b]The Battle Was Next to a Stalemate Now. Blue Squadron had Been All But Destroyed, with massive casulties beginning to mount. Finally, though, the Blockade Began to Turn and Run.[/b][/i] [color=f7941d][b]Commander Cody:[/b][/color] "We've Got Those Tinnies on the Run, Begin Launching LAAT/i's and LAAT/c's Immediately! Get Any Remaining Transports Ready to Land!" [i][b]The Defiant was Crippled and Dead in Space, but Salvageable it seemed. The Other Two Acclamators, Much Closer to the Droid Reinforcements, Had Been Completely Destroyed. The One Farthest Away was Smoking, but not seriously damaged. Gunships poured out of all remaining Ships and Began Making Runs for the Surface. Meanwhile, Kenobi had Other Things on His Mind.[/b][/i] [color=f7941d][b]Obi-Wan Kenobi:[/b][/color] "Have Some Gunships and Remaining Starfighters Search the Wreckage for Any Survivors, We Won't Leave a Man Behind." [color=f7941d][b]Commander Cody:[/b][/color] "Yes General, I Will Personally Head Out With One of Our Shuttles and Look for Anyone Still Alive, Then Meet You at the RV Planetside." [color=f7941d][b]Obi-Wan Kenobi:[/b][/color] "Good Man, Cody, Let the Force Be With You." [i][b]With That Obi-Wan Turned his Fighter towards Sarrish, and Proceeded with the Rest of the Invasion Force to the Surface Below.[/b][/i] [@nano627] [@Zarkun]