So this has certainly caught my interest. I love a good dark, high fantasy with plenty of freedom and room for worldbuilding hehe~ I also love collaborative world building, because in my experience it seems to craft some of the most intriguing and diverse worlds with incredible depth and care put into 'em so if there's room I'm more or less on board. A [i]few[/i] questions though. [hider=Questions Galore]1.) Is it one character per player? It's fine if it is, it's just I love making characters and so I have the tendency to play more than one. I can tame it down to 2 or 3 MAX if more than one is allowed, if not I'll just have to weed out the most interesting concept for a hero/villain and then use that as my character :P 2.) What worldbuilding and lore creation has already occurred which cannot be found in the OP? I saw a few conversations about the gods somewhere in here, though I've not read through the whole OOC (and am more likely not to since it's 400+ posts haha). I'd hate to try building something and that something clash in a way that was not acceptable or compatible with someone else's creations. 3.) I'm not sure as to how magic works in this world or if it exists at all. While it seems that divine magic is possible to an extent, it isn't too clear if we're dealing with a low magic world (wherein there isn't powerful spell flinging magic, and instead it is a rather simple tool that can't be used to great effect) or if it's a high magic world (in which you can do any number of things with magic). If this hasn't be decided at all and no one has ideas for a magic system (as I have found that making a system with limitations and rules ends up creating a more interesting and unique world with interesting ways to solve problems, rather than just saying "woo, magic can do ALL THE THINGS!" haha), then I'd love to undertake that project as it is one of my strengths...not to mention favorite things to build in regards to lore. 4.) Are we limited to human or humanoid races? Beings with only one form (aka no shapeshifters) or is it possible to make races like you would any other lore and then play as a member of said race with your character? 5.) Where's the story so far? Should I be reading the IC posts to catch up and get informed, or is that entirely optional? I might read it anyways since quality is given importance here, yet I glanced at the IC tab and there was a vast amount per post, which is not at all a bad thing. I don't get intimidated easily, plus I love me some in depth writing with high quality and plenty of content ^_^ 6.) Is there a loremaster? Does that title just go to the GM(s) is it nonexistent due to everyone contributing lore. As a note, when I say loremaster I mean someone who has a fairly firm and reliable grasp of all created and "canon," lore regardless to whether they made that lore or someone else did. 7.) While it is clear to me that there are [i]at least[/i] two realms (the mortal realm, and the realm wherein gods once resided), but are there any others? Are we open to there being others as long as they make sense and don't over complicate things too much? 8.) In regards to NPCs, how many is acceptable, how fleshed out can they be, what happens if one becomes commonplace and shows up quite often, actually becoming important in some way, can an NPC become--or be played similarly to--a character? I've seen it happen plenty of times before when an NPC becomes far more involved and fleshed out than one would expect and then gets so tied into interactions with characters that they practically become one all but their OOC designation of course. 9.) How do we feel about complexity, the ambiguous, the vague, the mysterious, the obscure, and the convoluted? I quite enjoy creating complex interwoven things. One of my skills in regards to worldbuilding is involved primarily in finding pieces of lore and tying them all together so that they make sense as a cohesive whole, rather than feeling disjointed--not that I am making any statements to the lore created herein since I've not seen much of it, if any, aside from the OP ahaha ^^;[/hider] Well...I didn't think I had [i]that[/i] many questions, but oh well. Hopefully this is well received.... Oh speaking of being received. Hi everyone [b]*waves*[/b]