Mai'lo perked up a bit after hearing mention of food and one hand snapped out, lightning fast, and lifted a sandwich from the basket. He didn't understand why she threw a sandwich at Matsuta but shrugged it off and bit into the food anyway. "It's weird that we have to eat. It's not like these are real bodies that are exerting energy. Our bodies are lying in bed in the real world doing nothing at all. This is all just in our heads." He shrugged and took another bite. "Oh well. At least it tastes good. Thanks for the food," he added with a nod in Iris' direction. "I don't know about everyone else but I think we need to level up as quickly as possible. Staying strong is the main way we're going to survive in here and that's not just thinking about the monsters." He nodded toward Kip as he he took the last bite of his sandwich and tossed the wrapper on the ground which shattered into shards of light and disappeared. "Kip says she knows some good spots to EXP farm. If we head out now we should be able to camp partway and really get to work in the morning, sound about right?" He added the last to Kip directly and prayed he hadn't just sounded like a complete idiot.