[quote=@yoshua171] [@Vigfast] you really are a ninja, just slipped a post right between mine and made me have to edit out the mention of it being a [s]double post[/s] horrendous monstrosity. Also yeah, there seems to ve a fair amount of wiggle room, which is quite amusing for someone like me who is good at understanding systems and rules...and then exploiting loopholes for profit and intriguing ideas. Mind you, always with the GM's permission as anything else would be unreasonable. [/quote] Haha, yeah, I'm sneaky...fear me! Bouncing off of this discussion, I think that this RP is more about interesting ideas, creating a compelling story, and character development. To steal from table top gaming, it seems to me to fall more under the "story" category rather than the "powergaming/minmaxing" category of games (or RPs). Which naturally does mean that one could conceivably create some pretty ridiculous characters, but...Transience is watching. :P