Established Wrestler Character Sheet(Everything set in stone) Name: Jim Berny Wrestling Name: The Brute Moniker: BRUTE, BRUTE, BRUTE Character Gimmick: Being ridiculously mean. Wrestling Style: Powerhouse, Heel Demeanor: Brute is a relentless and soft spoken lunatic whose unpredictability is matched only by his hostility. He twitches and spasms, uses the referee as a weapon, barrels into the audience, and whips out ringside tools to gain an advantage at every opportunity. Moves: Too many to count. Most are dirty. Headbutts, crotch grabs, eye scratches, ringpost slams, ect. Signature Moves(5 maximum): Torture Rack (backbreaker rack), Brute Bomb (sitout powerbomb), Brute Nuke (flying powerbomb), Brute Buster (Chokeslam), Geneva Creamer (a punt to the skull of a fallen opponent). Finishing Move: Torture Rack (backbreaker rack). None that have been draped across The Brute's broad, bony shoulders have ever escaped. Entrance Music: Ring Entrance: Varied, but typically involves him frightening the audience and referees before hitting somebody from behind with a blunt object. Achievements in the Business(Championships): World Championship (revoked after he assaulted a group of tourists and did time in prison). Was a runner for the Championship several other times, but his violent antics frequently got him disqualified. Length of Time in the Business(2 to 5 years): Five, counting the legitimate businesses. Far longer in underground and illegal circuits.