The Red, using the moment of opportunity wherein the demon fell upon his knee, seized it to unleash a grasping tear; both paws forepaws splayed wide, the attack of the demonic sword having trailed off as but a sweep to attempt to push them back, the wilderman hooked his claws down with tremendous force. The full assault not alone, having been launched from Zargon's weakest side - the point of poison - and in tandem with that of the Mamluk who thrust his blade in vengeance at the demon for attempting on the gnome's life, the barrage was undoubtedly reeling; the brunt of a hurricane. Exposed on the other flank now, the greater lioness leapt upon him as she would have any other of her prey, attempting to sink each clawed digit into his back and right to begin her rending. Forced to withdraw from his attack to avoid Zargon's revenge - the sweeping blow leveled at Tirarrian - the orange and striped form bristled in menace, swiping low at the exposed right leg and attempting to draw the demon's ire instead by attempting to topple him; it was not that The Red did not trust the gnome could weather a strike, but in truth how many she could was not a thing he knew. The sword the demon bore was a mighty weapon, unfamiliar to him and no less diabolical than any other he had seen, but it was undoubtedly a deadly force in that it seemed to outright ignore armor and leave clean, cauterized wounds... The attackers needed to hasten their assault - either to bring the tremendous foe and his enormous power down, which while credible was time consuming, or cripple and maim him so horribly here that whatever threat he did pose in the future should he escape was not nearly close to that he posed now. The Red had a few approaches in mind, but it depended greatly upon if Zargon could physically withstand the current mixture of physical and supernatural threats. [@Letter Bee][@Jon Y][@The Fated Fallen][@IcePezz][@ArenaSnow]