[h1]Bruneau Publishing House[/h1] Oscar Bruneau looked outside, the sunlight still glistening. He had made sure to keep the curtains up to an extent, so that no sunlight could go piercing through him. The pain of sunlight would have been a true, poignant feeling, more real than any he had felt since the time when he was a mortal, but it would have been inconvenient to feel it now. He held a smoking pipe in his hand, freshly smoked. He felt that the two of them had much in common, inasmuch as they were both so concerned with death. It had an ever so sweet nature, creating a sense so pleasurable that men became addicted to it, yet made them smell of smoke and ash to all who came in contact with him. It gave him no relief, and brought no addiction upon him, as he was a creature of the night, not a mere mortal who was susceptible to the minor inconveniences of normal life. He nonchalantly crushed the still smoking wooden pipe in his hand; it had lived long enough. Parts of wood sunk into his hand, making him bleed. [color=blue]”Drowning in your romanticism again?” Anna Maria said.[/color] Oscar Bruneau had never even heard her come in. His spies were simply so good, not even he was immune to their abilities. “If it isn’t you,” Oscar said. “What do you come to report now?” [color=blue]“Just that the denizens are finally truly arriving.”[/color] “Ah, good. I’m sure that Lydia shall take fine care of her proper introductions.” [color=blue]”She has her ways and I have mine.”[/color] “And the both of you do it well.” [color=blue]”Another thing. Anca sends for you. Perhaps when you aren’t eying young saplings, you could care to meet your actual lover. And with thanks and gratitude.”[/color] Anna Maria departed as soon as she had arrived. It was unlikely that Oscar would be unable to find her again unless he summoned for her. He had won the loyalty of all of those who had followed him in different ways. Oscar won the unmatchable stealth of Anna Maria, and he dealt with her causticness and kept absolutely no secrets between them. He would heed her word, and see his beloved flower Anca, who he loved above the others that he had engaged in intimacy with. [h2]In Town[/h2] [@RemipaAwesome] Lydia Antonescu had arrived at the house of one of the newly arrived denizens of the village. She kept up a bright smile, and exhibited a cute, coquettish, and friendly aura. She had the looks and mannerism of a happy, excitable, and naïve teenage girl. With both her flirty attitude and her natural good looks, Lydia had managed to use seduction as well as the more common ways of gaining information. She knocked on the door of the new denizens of this house, intent on gaining as much information as she could. No one had ever seen through her clever disguise and reassuring smiles.