Here is my make up for the night: [hider=Peek] [img][/img] [/hider] It was a lot of fun. I live in a 'ghetto' part of base, so we get maybe 4 treaters. This year we went off base to my friend's house, and holy cow. The Japanese are all about trick or treating. They were dressed half like super heros or elsas or princesses/witches, and ha;f like bloody murderers. They swarmed the streets, like, dozens of them. They came up to the house and formed single file lines and took candy, were amazingly polite, they sat down to take pictures with the halloween decor/pumpkins or us in our costumes. Had to have easily gone through 200 kids. It was amazing. I've never seen so many trick or treaters. :D Day well spent. Happy Halloween, guys!