[h3][color=orange]TEAM CARROT[/color][/h3] [@Irisity] [@hoppiholla391] Novas blinked. The two seemed to know each other. Interesting. A ginger and a child. This was going to be a fun first day. His smile was genuine as he ran a hand over his beard, heading towards the bird cages. He hoisted one as well, grabbing one that was large, but not overly encumbering. He might be over six feet tall, but who knew when they would reach their destination, and carrying such a massive thing for several miles would be irritating to sat the least. So she was coming. He wondered if the child would last. The red head... he wasn't overly worried about. she seemed like she was able to care for herself. The others in their team seemed self reliant as well, though they hadn't said to much, so he wasn't sure. Sometimes those that seemed the strongest succumbed the quickest. "Well, so long as you are coming, I am glad to meet you." He said, smiling at the little girl. The defiance she showed was cute, and he enjoyed the look of her. He turned to the ginger, the one Amelia called Lily. "Hello Lily. Its a pleasure." He said, using the same name Amelia had. He held out a hand for her to shake. Novas wasn't familiar with prostitutes or flowers really, and he didn't recognize Lily for her profession at all. He however, was wearing the clothes of his trade, and had the trademark coal stained hands, hair, and face. Every wrinkle of his skin was tarnished black, and no amount of soap would ever remove the year old stains. Along with that, he had a myriad of burn scars over his forearms, and two on his left cheek. He... well, he wasn't a very beautiful man, to say the least. "I suppose I should ask. Do we have anyone who truly wants to be a leader?" He said, turning to the entire team carrot to ask that question. "I also feel we should all introduce ourselves, to say the least. It would be smart to at least know each other's names as we walk." ((Figured I'd post once more before I disappear for the next 8 hours))