Seamus had to admit he was rather impressed with the base, from just the few glimpses of the facility he was able to get as he made his way down the hall way with the others he was able to gather that almost everything there was top of the line. As he made up the rear of the group he was able to get another glance of his new teammates and they all seemed to be from quite the range of backgrounds. [color=0054a6][i]"This should be a interesting experience."[/i][/color] He thought to himself as he walked into a room with a large computer, two other young heroes, and who Seamus could only assume to be Batman himself. Seamus may of spoken up do to the sheer fact that the almost legend that was the dark knight was standing before him, but he was feeling something that was bothering him. It was some sort of magical presence, but it was being suppressed somehow. Seamus looked over the room for a moment before noticing the blue haired girl, more specifically the collar and plates on her face. It had to be her, he could practically see the magical aura around her, but it was different from that of a simple magic user, it was more... hellish. Seamus had to run through a whole list of possibilities before he finally settled on a idea that he wasn't entirely with, this girl was a demon or at least partly one and the members of the Justice League had bound her with those plates and collar. Seamus had had many dealings with demonic beings, most of them pleasant but there was the occasional attempt at possession, so the thought of one being bound against their will didn't sit well with him. [color=0054a6][i]"There has to be a good reason for this."[/i][/color] He thought to himself before he decided to fallow everyone else's lead and to give a second introduction. [color=0054a6][b]"My name is Seamus O'Dare."[/b][/color]